:: Chapter Thirteen ::

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~Ciel's POV~

My heart was still racing as the prince led me toward the grand mansion. My lips were still tingling. He had tasted like fire and passion and pure sinful desire, and it still lingered on my tingling lips. It was maddening. I was struggling to keep my body under control, struggling to keep from throwing myself at him and stealing another kiss. My head was swimming with impure thoughts and images and the freezing December air was not enough to quell the heat within me.

"Ciel, what is that?!" The prince exclaimed happily as he pointed across the courtyard to a garden of ice sculptures.

"It's an ice garden." I shrugged indifferently; they were quite common around this time of year.

"Can we get closer?" His golden green eyes shone with eagerness. He was like a child.

I couldn't help but smile at this, "I don't see why not."

He slipped his warm hand in mine and pulled me to the ice garden like an impatient child trying to get into a candy parlor. I chanced a glance over my shoulder to my demon butler to find him glaring at the prince. I smirked to myself at this; time to make him pay. A voluntary shiver rolled down my spine causing my fingers to tremble.

"Ciel, are you cold?" The prince asked worried, this was too easy.

"Only a little." I attempted to sound meek and fragile.

Sebastian stepped forward about ready to shrug out of his overcoat, but just as I had planned, the prince wrapped his arms around me, "Then you should stay close, so you don't get sick." He beamed.

If looks could kill, the prince would have just been torn to tiny microscopic shreds and doused in lye and water for good measure. Sebastian looked beyond livid. I held back a laugh and allowed the prince to steer me to the ice garden. The prince's servant, Agni, kept looking around nervously. It seemed there was something, or someone, here he did not want the prince to run into. Curious. Did this something, or someone, have any correlation to his prior transgressions?

Prince Soma pointed at each sculpture with eyes wide in wonder and exclaimed happily. His country was usually pretty mild in weather; he'd probably not even seen snow before his trip to London. We found a sculpture of an elephant and he nearly tripped over himself in his attempt to get closer to it with a delighted squeal.

"Look, Ciel! We have these all over my country." He beamed. He was beside himself with giddiness.

I smiled as he hopped around ecstatically. The orchestra started up inside the ballroom and the music drifted out to the ice garden. Prince Soma stopped hopping around and turned to me with a smile. What was he planning?

"What?" I asked in a bored manner.

"Dance with me." It wasn't a question. He grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"No! It's freezing out here, and no one else is dancing." I grumbled as he dropped my hand atop his shoulder and captured my free hand. "You're going to make a scene." I growled as his free hand sidled around my waist.

"Just let me have this one chance to dance with the most beautiful girl." He smiled.

What did he just say? I attempted to pull away from him, but he was a lot stronger than he let on. "Stop it!" I hissed.

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