:: Chapter Fifteen ::

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~Ciel's POV~

Prince Soma and Agni returned to India, for the time being, to get started on the Funtom Company India Branch. Sebastian, the servants and I were finally back at the manor. The servants were still acting a bit off, after having found out I was a girl. Mey-Rin kept trying to get me to wear dresses, Bard kept randomly shouting at me for doing 'boyish' things and Finny was being the weirdest of all. He had periods where he'd be overly nice and sweet and try to do whatever he could to assist me (which usually ended up in completely destroying whatever I was working on) and then he'd have periods where he did everything in his power to completely avoid me (including running away from me yelling like a complete loon every time I said his name).

I was cowardly avoiding Sebastian at all costs. I'd stupidly allowed myself to succumb to his devilish charms and now that I'd had a taste, I wanted more, I wanted it all, and this both thrilled and terrified me. How could I be so stupid? Why? Why did I display weakness and vulnerability in front of him? I knew the answer before I could finish the thought. I felt safe with him. I felt like I could be me, the real, true me, the me that I myself didn't even know. I wanted to explore this possibility; I wanted to learn more about myself, about girl Ciel.

Sebastian was currently making my afternoon tea, while I made a quick getaway. I scurried up to the attic. He'd never think to look up here for me, I'd never once in my life been in the attic. The flimsy trap door easily slipped back into place and I turned to examine my surroundings. It was almost completely devoid of light. The only source of light was from two small circular port hole style windows one at the front and back of the manor. I crept toward the small port hole window aimed at the back garden. My eyes began to water as I stepped further into the darkness. Perhaps it was from the dust.

Something scuttled in the darkness causing me to jump. My heart started to race. What was in the attic? Was this Sebastian's idea of a joke? Did he know I was up here? "H-hello?" I mentally cursed myself for the hesitation in my voice. Scratching, scraping sounds drew steadily nearer to me. I took a faltering step back. What was going on? What was up here? "This isn't funny! Show yourself!" I demanded with a not so menacing sneeze. It was too dusty up here.

I screamed as something rubbed up against my leg and bolted for the trap door just as my demon butler poked his head through. My foot caught the edge of a trunk and sent me flying straight into my demon butler causing the pair of us to fall through the trap door. His strong arms encircled me and he somehow maneuvered himself so that he hit the floor with me on his chest.


"Are you alright, young mistress?" He chuckled.

"There's something in the attic!" I panicked.

"Young mistress, we've been together for over two years now, and not once in that time have you ever been to the attic."

I felt the heat of embarrassment burning in my cheeks as my face flushed with color at his comment. He said it as if we were lovers or something. Did he mean it? Is that how he thought of me? I quickly shook myself from my twisted thoughts, "That is beside the point! Something is up there and it tried to attack me!"

He smiled at this, "I doubt that."

"Are you calling me a liar?" I glared down at him.

"You did convince everyone in your life you were a boy for sixteen years."

"Shut up."

Her Butler: SinfulHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin