:: Chapter Six ::

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~Sebastian's POV~  

My young mistress was looking paler than usual, there were tell-tale dark circles beneath her eyes, a rosy glow to her cheeks, and a glossy look to her eyes, she'd been running a fever ever since our run in with Jack the Ripper. Her movements were more sluggish than usual and I'd caught her, on more than one occasion, stumbling or nearly fainting, she needed to rest, but she wouldn't hear of it.

"Perhaps, young mistress, you should stay in bed today." I noted as she struggled to get out of bed.

"The funeral is today." She said quietly, her azure orb was brimming with sorrow.

"You're not well."

"I'm fine!" She snapped defiantly.

Why was she doing this to herself? I didn't understand humans sometimes. "Why did you reveal yourself to Madame Red?" I pondered as I unbuttoned her nightshirt.

"She was going to die." Ciel said distantly.

"But, young mistress, you weren't aware of that fact." I noted as I lightly traced my finger up her neck and beneath her chin, tilting her face so she was looking me in the eye.

Her glare was almost menacing, "What are you getting at Sebastian?" She shoved me away from her, but it was weak, she was weak, and her health was deteriorating.

"I'm merely asking why." I shrugged as I resumed dressing her for the funeral.

"I don't need a reason, and I certainly don't have to tell YOU my reasons." She shot coldly as I finished lacing her black boots. She stormed out of the room in a huff, "Hurry along, Sebastian, we need to stop at Madame Red's estate before the funeral."

I followed her to the carriage in silence, why did she want to stop at the late Madame Red's estate? It was dreadfully dreary outside, there was a brisk chill in the air and the sky was filled with gloomy clouds.

By the time we reached Madame Red's estate, it had begun to rain. "Stay here." Ciel ordered as I opened the carriage door for her. She refused the umbrella I offered her and ducked into the manor. Though my mistress tried to act indifferent about the death of her aunt, I knew it was weighing heavily on her heart.

She returned moments later with a brilliant red dress and stepped into the carriage without so much as a glance in my direction. "Let's go." Her voice was cool, but I detected the slight quiver, she was slipping, she'd soon lose herself in her depression.

The cathedral was overrun with people; my young mistress parted the crowd like the red sea as she stalked down the aisle to the open casket with the magnificent red gown in hand. The crowd fell to a hush as they watched her display. I watched from the entrance as my delicate young mistress swept the red fabric over her eternally resting aunt and placed a tender kiss upon her forehead.

"These pale lifeless colors don't suit you, Auntie An, you are the color red, the color of love, passion and life." Her voice wavered, "Goodbye Madame Red." She retrieved a single red rose from her breast pocket and tucked it in the lifeless woman's hair before exiting the cathedral.

"Young mistress?" I breathed as a single tear slid down her rose tinged pallid cheek.

"I want to visit my parents." She said curtly sidestepping me as I reached out to wipe away the traitor tear.

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