:: Chapter Fourteen ::

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~Sebastian's POV~

I'd planned to wake the young mistress up with breakfast in bed. I prepared her favorite breakfast foods, fluffy strawberry crepes with powdered sugar, fresh wild berry muffins, a bowl of fresh strawberries and her favorite morning blend of tea with milk and honey on the side. After placing the breakfast assortment on a tea cart with a small bouquet of her favorite azure lilies I headed to her bed chamber. Something felt off.

I reached the second landing just as the other three servants burst through the door of her bed chamber, "Happy Birthday, young master!" they shouted in unison.

This was not going to end well. I abandoned the cart and darted to her room in an attempt to protect her true identity, but I was too late. She was sitting up in bed staring wide eyed at the awestruck servants. Her navy tinged raven hair cascaded around her in perfectly tousled silken waves and her budding breasts were perfectly accentuated in the flimsy white slip she'd chosen to wear to bed. Luckily, her long bangs fell over her indigo eye with my demon seal. Her cheeks were tinged with color.

"Young master, is a young miss?" Mey-Rin gaped.

Bard seemed at a loss for words and kept muttering incoherently to himself as if outweighing the validity of what he was seeing. It seemed he was trying to account for all of the feminine vs. boyish things he'd witnessed and come to his own conclusion. Finny's face was flushed with color and he averted his gaze with a gasp. At this, Ciel suddenly realized how revealing her slip was and pulled the blankets up to her chest.

Ciel sighed, "Yes, the truth is, I'm really a girl."

"Well we can see that." Mey-Rin giggled.

"Wait just a bloody minute." Bard finally found his voice, "The whole time?"

Finny was still blushing like crazy and trying to look anywhere around the room, anywhere but at her.

"Yes, the whole time." She huffed. "I trust all of you to keep my secret; do you think you can manage that?"

"Yes, young mas-." They all began in unison but fell short.

"You will still address me as a boy." Ciel glowered.

"Does this mean you'll wear a dress to the sur-." Mey-Rin squealed excitedly but was cut off by Bard clapping a hand over her mouth.

They were all acting a bit more peculiar than normal. Bard looked between Finny and Mey-Rin with a warning in his eyes, "I thought we was here to sing happy birthday to the young master."

"Right!" Finny and Mey-Rin beamed and the three of them burst into song.

Ciel smiled at their completely off-key singing, "Thank you." Her voice sounded somewhat distant.

"We need to get ready now." Finny squeaked and the three of them disappeared in a rush.

There was something dark lingering in my young mistress' gaze. Some emotion I wasn't very familiar with, was it regret, loneliness, or was it desperation? She looked so helpless as she let the blankets fall away from her delicate frame.

"Young mistress?" I took a tentative step toward her.

"It's all in shambles now." She breathed as she slipped out of bed and crept toward the glowing fireplace.

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