:: Chapter Twenty Six ::

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~Sebastian's POV~

The young mistress had been absent for hours. My rage was dwindling into worry, I didn't sense that anything bad had happened to her and she'd ordered me not to leave the city estate and to take care of the idiotic ring master. I paced the parlor room anxiously waiting for her return. Night had fallen, the other guests retired for the evening and my young mistress still hadn't returned.

My worry turned into seething rage as I heard the front door quietly click open and her attempt at silencing her footsteps as she crept back into the city estate. I waited patiently in the shadows watching as she and Snake crept back into the house and closed the door behind them. Ciel cringed as it clicked shut and held her breath for a moment. She thought she was sneaky enough to get away with it; my young mistress was poorly mistaken.

"Today was fun." She admitted quietly as she smiled up at the socially awkward young man.

A faint blush spread across Snake's pale cheeks causing my blood to boil. "Thank you, Ciel." He said softly before heading silently up the stairs to one of the guest bedrooms.

Ciel smiled softly to herself and tip toed toward the kitchen.

"Young mistress, do you have any idea what time it is?" I asked her softly from the shadows causing her to jump.

"Sebastian!" She hissed quietly, "What the hell are you doing?!"

I stepped from the shadows and threw her a reproachful look, "It's the middle of the night." I continued.

"I'm well aware of what time it is, thank you." She shot coolly as she attempted to keep her collected composure.

"Where have you been all day?" I asked calmly as I fought to resist the urge to race up the stairs and murder Snake in his sleep.

Ciel sighed, "We just walked around the city."

"Till midnight?" I asked skeptically.

Her revealed azure orb narrowed into a glare, "There was a festival going on and they had fireworks so we stopped to watch. After the fireworks were over we got lost trying to find our carriage." She admitted softly.

"You shouldn't have gone in the first place, what if something had happened to you?"

Her glare was positively fearsome, "I'm not entirely helpless." She snarled in an agitated whisper, "I can look after myself just fine."

"You're so naïve." I breathed as I caught her slender wrist in my hand and gave a forceful yet gentle tug causing her to topple into my arms with a gasp.

"S-sebastian, what are you doi-?" I stole the words from her mouth with a passion filled kiss ensnaring her in my arms.

"You have no idea how easy it would be, young mistress." I trailed a line of kisses along her chin to breathe in her ear, "For someone to take advantage of you." My free hand teasingly trailed up her back before freeing her navy tinged raven locks from their boyish hold.

"Sebastian, stop." She growled softly as she attempted to break from my hold.

"I thought you could take care of yourself." I smirked.

Her glare was positively menacing and she opened her mouth to snap at me, but composed herself as her gaze flitted to an ornate golden umbrella stand. A small mischievous smile wormed its way to her rose petal soft lips and she broke from my hold with a graceful lunge and swept up two umbrellas. I caught the umbrella she hurled in my direction and smiled softly as she readied hers like a sword.

Her Butler: SinfulOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant