:: Chapter Twenty Seven ::

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A/N: Steamy chapter, so if you're not into that skip it, you're not missing anything haha

~Ciel's POV~

Steamy dreams of my sinfully irresistible demon butler plagued me in my sleep over the next few nights. I was becoming bitter to our guests as I realized it was because they were currently residing with us that Sebastian was keeping his distance. It was driving me mad. Never in my life had I wanted something as much as I wanted to be with him. Even if it meant an eternity in agonizing hell, I didn't care. Just one night with him was worth it, but I was greedy. After getting a taste of it, I wanted more.

I was unable to think straight whenever he was around. My mind continued to wander to inappropriate places making even the simplest of tasks impossible. I'd resumed my lessons in the city and was once again donning my boyish fashions while my instructors were visiting the estate.

"Master Ciel?" My Latin instructor cleared her throat in an attempt to get my attention but I was lost in graphic, heinous lustful thoughts. "Master Ciel?!" She said a little more loudly snapping me from my daze.

"What is it?" I sighed in a bored manner as I realized I was still stuck in the study with my instructor.

The older woman glared at me, "We are in the middle of a lesson-."

"Clearly it's been nothing but a bore as I can't recall a bit of it." I scoffed irritably.

She gasped and stared at me appalled by my outburst, "Why I never-."

"You can leave now." I waved her away and brushed aside my Latin text and picked up some business proposals. I needed something that would keep me engaged enough that my mind wouldn't wander.

After my Latin instructor left the estate in a huff muttering something about an ungrateful spoiled child on the way, I was visited by a very curious demon.

"Is something the matter young mistress?" His sinfully seductive voice purred from the doorway as he let himself into the study and offered me a bow.

My gaze was glued to his perfectly molded torso as he bent forward causing the material of his suit and coattails to cling to his body defining every muscle. The room suddenly felt ten degrees hotter and I quickly averted my eyes, "I'm not in the mood for Latin." I mumbled.

"You shouldn't neglect your studies, young mistress." Sebastian noted smoothly as he crossed the room in a few long strides and stooped down to pick up my Latin book causing his clothing to mold to his torso once again completely ensnaring my gaze.

I slammed my hands down on my desk in frustration, "Can you not buy clothes that fit?!"

"I beg your pardon?" He stared down at me blankly.

"Obviously it's too tight." I motioned to his attire.

"Quite the contrary, young mistress, it fits perfectly." He chuckled. Laughter danced in his burnt crimson eyes.

Heat burned in my cheeks and I quickly averted my gaze.

"Is something troubling you, young mistress?" My breath hitched in my throat as his slender fingers swept over the back of my wrist resting on the arm of my chair.

I opened my mouth to snap some sassy retort, but cut off with a gasp as his hand encircled my wrist pinioning it to the chair with ease. He gave a swift tug spinning my chair about so I was forced to face him. My heart began to race as he knelt before me so he was at eye level.

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