:: Chapter Twenty Two ::

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~Sebastian's POV~

I forced myself to leave my young mistress' tent and made my way toward the first-tier members' tents. I'd make that impure wretch suffer for putting his hands on her. The cool night air did nothing to quell the rage building up inside of me. The campground was almost completely empty as all the crew and trainees slept soundly in their tents completely unaware of the massacre that was sure to take place.

The image of him pressing his lips to hers floated across my mind in an almost daunting manner. I clenched my fists as she wound her arms around his neck and leaned into his unworthy kiss. Fire burned within me as it replayed through my mind on repeat. He was dead!

Just as I was about to duck through the entryway leading to the first-tier members' grounds a shear tipped spear cut me off. I turned to the prim proper reaper with a glare.

"Going somewhere without your leash, devil?" He asked in disdain.

"I'm really not in the mood for you, asinine reapers." I hissed as I gripped the staff of his blade in my hands and with almost no effort managed to send him flying into the nearby mess tent.

More enraging images flitted through my mind of the pair of them together. I imagined her in a tight fitted corset and flimsy white skirt with a massive slit up the side revealing her perfect legs. She looked ravishing with her navy tinged raven hair falling around her delicate frame in seductress waves. Then I envisioned that impure wretch with his hands on her slender body and my vision suddenly went black as it had so long ago when I slaughtered the vile man that attempted to defile my young mistress years ago.

I could faintly hear the sound of panicked screams and crackling fire like the rage filled fire burning within me. The heat of the warped and twisted flames licked at my skin, feeding my rage. People were running all around me in hysteria.

"Everyone, get to safety!" Joker yelled nearby trying to direct the hysterical trainees and crew members. The other first tier members began shouting orders and leading people away from the fire.

Fire? Where did the fire come from? I looked around at the blaze of tents around me. Had I done this in my unbridled rage? Had I lost control? My gaze locked on the ring master and my rage began to boil once more. He needed to pay.

I stalked toward him with my fists clenched and fire burning in my eyes.

"Black!" He looked to me and his eyes widened after a moment, what did he see revealed within my burning orbs? "Where's Dove?" He called as the flames engulfed the mess tent.

"Away from you."

"She loves ye." Joker said quietly.

What? Why would he say that? "You know nothing-."

"She was crying for ye in her sleep." He continued as I advanced on him. "Yer the one she cares 'bout."

The mess tent groaned in protest against the raging fire and its supports snapped with a resounding crack and toppled over onto one of the trainees' tents setting it instantly ablaze. From there it spread like wildfire engulfing tent after tent.

"Where's Dove?" Joker repeated worried as the fire worked its way toward her tent.

She would have run away. She was terrified of fire. It reminded her of the day she lost it all. In the distance I could see the flamboyant red-haired reaper frantically searching for something.

"Brat! Where are you?!" He called in a panic.

My heart fell and my stomach suddenly twisted into painful knots. She didn't run? "CIEL!" I sprinted away from the ring master and charged blindly toward her tent as it became engulfed in flame. No! I couldn't be too late!

"Ciel! Where are you?!" The red-haired reaper cried.

I shoved past him and dove into the roaring fire into what was left of the tent. The heat was blazing; the thick black smoke was blinding and filled my lungs with toxins. I searched frantically around the blazing furniture and my heart fell as I spotted her crumpled on the ground with blood trickling from a wound to her temple.

"CIEL!" I threw myself on top of her as the tent around us collapsed.

"S-Sebastian?" She coughed as her mismatched eyes fluttered open for the briefest of moments.

"I've got you, young mistress." I reassured her as I shielded her from the flames.

She blinked a few times before her eyes filled with clarity and soon widened in horror, "Sebastian, there's fire!"

"It's alright, young mistress." I cooed to her as I held off the flames.

She clung to me desperately and buried her face in my chest as the fire roared around us. "I don't want to be here." Her voice was whisper soft and fading away, she'd inhaled quite a bit of smoke.

"I'll protect you." I vowed.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." She choked.

"Young mistress, I'm not going to allow you to die, no need for last minute sentiments." I smiled to myself.

"I'm sorry." She repeated quietly as her grip on me slackened.

"Young mistress?" How much smoke had she inhaled?

"I love you, Sebastian." Her voice faded away to nothing and I listened in awestruck terror as her heart beat began to falter.

"Ciel!" I gripped her shoulders tightly in my hands and shook her lightly, "Stay awake." I ordered her helplessly as her mismatched eyes fluttered closed. "CIEL!" I shook her roughly. "Don't you dare die on me!"

Her delicate form fell limp in my arms and I felt something within me snap. She couldn't be. She couldn't die!

"Ciel, I need you to stay." I breathed as I cradled the lifeless girl in my arms as the flames around us began to wither. "Please, young mistress, I need you." I begged her.

Some foreign liquid substance welled in my eyes and I watched in awe as a single raven tear fell onto her porcelain cheek. What was this? The pain in my chest was unbearable. I couldn't lose her!

"I love you, Ciel. So please, come back." I pressed my lips to my fallen young mistress' whisper pink lips in despair. I needed her back. I would do anything just to see her smile once more, just to hear her bark a ridiculous order at me. I'd even apologize to that red-haired fiend a thousand times if only just to hear her whisper my name one last time.

"S-Sebastian?" Her voice was barely more than a whisper. I stared down at her in awe as I watched life breathe into her once more. She reached a pale delicate hand to my face and gently stroked my cheek, "Are you crying?"

I pulled her into my arms and claimed her lips in a soft sweet passion filled kiss as my heart swelled with joyous relief. 

A/N: Next chapter is a lemon, if you are too young or immature to read it then I suggest you skip over it

Video- Up In Flames By Ruelle 

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