Part 1- What A Terrible Name

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I closed the backdoor of the bar behind me with an unsettling slam. It was a heavy, black door that could never be closed subtly thus made me cringe at the echoing bang it made ever night. I fumbled with the keys in my hand, trying to find the correct one. Once that was done there was the further task of finding the slot in the door to lock it for the night. Eventually I got it and I was on my way home.

I walked silently through the ally that the bar backed onto. I was alone. Perfect. Before, the boys who worked here with me worried that I shouldn't be let stay until this hour of the night to lock up and walk home by myself but I was persistent. And used to being alone.

It wasn't a particularly cold night, I only had a light jacket and a scarf over my uniform. If I walked fast enough I was almost warm. The scattered streetlights guided me home to my apartment not that far from the bar. The streets were empty, filthy and a beautiful yellow colour in patches from the lights above.

I smiled taking in the peace and rugged beauty.

I got home in what felt like no time. I opened the front door of the building and closed it behind me as gently as I could. I was aware that the neighbours would be sleeping and I didn't want to cause any more hassle than necessary. I tip toed up the 6 flights of stairs to my apartment and prepared to repeat the same gentle approach to opening and closing the door.

However, I could see the light was still on from under the door. He hadn't made it to bed.

I was greeted by the smell of body odor and a broken vodka bottle scattered all over the floor of the sitting room. The faint din of the TV could just be made out from the snores coming from him as he lay passed out on the sofa. Intoxicated.

I was tired and had spent my whole evening dealing with men drinking in the bar. I was not in the mood to have to do it again.

I looked up to the sky, cursed who ever was looking down on my right now and begged for answers. 'Why me?' I whispered.


After cleaning up the mess and turning off all the lights I crawled into bed. I was exhausted but not ready to sleep just yet. I had to be up in four hours for college. I was not feeling up to it. I lay in my bed staring up at the ceiling which seemed to be getting closer and closer to me every night. Eventually I would be able to reach out and touch it. Eventually it would be able to crush me. I was weak and defeated. I needed to sleep. So out of habit, I rolled over onto my side, tucked the duvet around me, allowed one tear to fall and drifted into a land where nothing hurt at all.


College dragged on. My attention faded in and out similar to waves washing over the shore. I took with me only what I felt I could carry.

Most of the time my mind was some where far away. My imagination would whip up some crazy situation much, much more interesting than the one I was in. This was my escape. This was how I dealt with the drama of the world.

'Jessie!' someone called behind me as I left the building. I snapped out of my daydream and turned around. I was greeted by a short boy, Mexican, called Gorge.

I forced a smile and a weak wave as I waited for him to get nearer.

'Hey,' I said, it was evident from my voice that I hadn't gotten enough sleep. An annoyed look crept onto his face.

'Jess, were you working last night? I thought that Wednesday was, like, your only night off? Don't tell me you took an extra shift!' He walked beside me now. We had been friends for a while and it was a ritual that we would keep each other company on the way home, considering we lived so close.

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