Part 10- Be Careful

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I walked over to Ashton, clutching the empty glasses in my hand. Everything inside me was racing but I made my best effort to play it down.

'Hey,' I said, setting down the cups next to him. Before I could register what I was doing my arms were out stretched and begging Ashton to hug me. He obliged and held me close for a few moments. He was warm and his body was strong and masculine. His touch set of a million tiny fireworks inside my veins.

I was the first to back out of it.

'You guys were incredible tonight,' I praised him. 'Honestly you guys have come on so much!'

He laughed and itched the side of his jaw. His muscular arms moved like they had a mind of their own, flexing unintentionally, rippling rhythmically. I was captivated.

'Thanks Jess, it means a lot to hear you say that.'

'It's, eh, fine,' I stammered, still hypnotized by his toned biceps.

'So I was thinking,' he said, leaning in a little closer to me, 'maybe we could meet up tomorrow? I'm busy this weekend, rehearsing and gigging but I could get tomorrow night off to maybe take you out somewhere?'

I sighed, 'I have work tomorrow,  I'm so sorry.'

'Oh that's ok,' his smile didn't fade, but I knew something in him did. 'I guess we could do it another time?'

'Yeh, I guess.' I was disappointed but I shrugged it off.

'Ok, cool,' he pushed himself away from the bar, standing up straight he was a head talker than I was. 'I'll see you around Jess.'

'See you,' I waved timidly, my chest tightening as he walked away from me. I already regretted rejecting his offer.


I was loading the dirty glasses into the dishwasher when I heard a crowd of people laughing. I felt sick to the core when I looked up and saw Ashton standing in the middle of a group of girls, putting his arms around two of them.

I felt like smashing everything in front of me. Why had I been stupid enough to flirt with the idea of him liking me? Ashton was way out of my league. He probably only wanted to spend time with me talking about the band. 

I'm a mess, look at me, I was something from 'The Walking Dead.' My hair was flat, my eyes were sinking into my head with tiredness and my uniform was stained and unflattering.

Why did I think I had a chance with a boy as amazing as Ashton? I was crazy.

The only thing I'll ever be to Ashton is the girl who was at their first shows. Nothing more.

'It's nothing personal,  he's done this to other girls he's been interested in.' My head snapped up to see Michael the other side of the bar, 'If he doesn't get what he wants straight away, he's gone. He's not interested in girls who play hard to get.'

'I'm not trying to... what?' I was so confused by what Michael was saying. He always seemed so distant I wondered why he was talking to me now.

'I'll have a beer,' he said looking me in the eye, ignoring my question.

'I-' he slammed his card down on the counter before I could finish saying it. I picked it up not amused. He was 18. Or so it said.

'Is this fake?' I asked, waving it in front of me.

'Is this 20 questions?' his detached tone didn't change.

I threw the card down in front of him and got him a bottle of beer from under the bar. He slid the money towards me as I put it down for him. I turned to get his change from the cash register.

'I'm just saying, if you want to get his attention, act now, don't wait hoping he'll chase you, he won't' Michael said between sips of beer. We were both looking at the giggling group of people at the far end of the bar. Ashton's arm was wrapped around the waist of a petite blond in a short skirt. I had to look away before I imploded.

I looked back at Michael. He didn't take his eyes off his band mate.

'Just be careful if you do Jess.'

'If I do what?' this boy made no sense.

'If you fall in live with him,' Michael's eyes were back on me, carrying a warning with them, 'be careful.'

I had to choked back a laugh. 'Oh don't worry that won't happen!' I shook my head at the ridiculous comment.

Michael just raised his eyebrows, suggesting he would say I'm not so sure. He drained his bottle and set it down with a load bang. He walked off a few steps befors turning back, like he realised he had forgotten something. He leaned over the bar and whispered in my ear.

'I'm not saying don't go after him. Just don't give him your heart, ok?'

He didn't give me a chance to reply, he was gone.


It was nearing closing time and Ashton was still in the middle of the pack of girls. He seemed particularly interested in one of them. The blond one. We were the only people in the bar.

I thought of the other boys and where they could be. I knew Ashton was their driver so  I questioned if they were around the back waiting for him. If there was someone else here to cover the bar I would have gone around to see if they were. Anything to escape the sight in front of me.

I heard the familiar sound if high heals walking on the tiled floor and I looked up. The flock of girls were exiting the bar, stumbling and holding into each other for balance,  laughing at everything.

I rolled my eyes and wiped up an imaginary spill to look busy. It was my disguise so I could catch a glimpse if Ashton.

He was still with the blond. He typed something into his phone, laughing at whatever she had just said. I guess she'd just given him her number.

Her friends called her from the door, beckoning her to hurry up. She smiled and flicked her perfectly curled hair over her shoulder. She said goodbye to Ashton and he kissed her on the check. I was being torn apart in side.

We both watched her as she gracefully walked across the room. Her perfectly curved bum wouldn't look put of place on a runway. Neither Ashton nor I could peel our eyes away from it.

I continued to rub the bar with the cloth in my hand, furiously.  I felt tears surface in my eyes but I tried to blink them back.

Was Michael right? Was I falling?

I looked over at Ashton again and noticed he was watching me. I ignored him.

Then I remembered whah Michael had said.

'Hey Ashton?' I called out not looking up from the counter, but somehow I felt his eyes were still on me.

The room was dead quiet. Only the faint ticking if the clock above my head could be heard.


'Are you free for an hour at 5 tomorrow? Here? For pizza?'

'I'll see you then!' I raised my eyes to look at him, and he winked.

Be careful.


I'm not sure how I feel about this part mmm...... Let me know what you think! 

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