Part 9- Saving Me

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The rest of my night was a blur. My imagination swirled in frantic patterns, captivated by the thought of spending more time with Ashton. Just us. 

The bar was dead so I was told to lock up and go home early. It wasn't even midnight yet.

I arrived back at the apartment, expecting my uncle to be out or sprawled over the sofa, in a half conscious state but he wasn't. He was wide awake. I could hear his slurred shouts from the other side of the door. I heard more voices than just his. I swallowed hard as I twisted the key.

There was music playing in the background and smoke filled my lungs as soon as I opened the door. The room was hazy and crowded with sweaty, middle-aged, worn out bodies. My eyes darted around trying to find Jimmy among the other people. I saw him sitting on the sofa with a haggard blond woman in a leopard print dress that was too tight and too low cut. 

Thinking about Ashton this evening had lifted me, made me feel like I was floating. Seeing this party going on in the apartment was like having weights tied to my ankles, pulling me deeper and deeper into a dark pool called reality.

I was starving, I hadn't eaten since lunch but the sight of these desperate women and wasted men made my stomach heave. I walked straight by them to my room. None of them acknowledged me. They never did.

I opened my door to be greeted by the horrific image of two fat, drunks lying on my bed. Their arms were locked around each others bodies, twisting together. Disgust boiled inside me.

'Get out!' I screamed. They wouldn't have heard me otherwise.

The man pulled away from the embrace of the woman. His beard was unstyled and dirty, the white t-shirt he wore was stained. 'Sorry sweetheart,' he said, eyeing me up and down, 'Care to join us?' 

If I had of eaten before I was certain I would have thrown it all up. 

'Get the fuck out of my room!' I screamed, my voice was sharp and filled with rage. 

The man didn't object. He got off my bed, pulling the fat brunette he had been intertwined with behind him. His shoulder hit mine as he walked out the door. He didn't offer any sort of apology.

I slammed the door behind him and collapsed onto the floor. Tears welling up in my eyes, spilling down onto my face.  I had reached my breaking point. My shoulders shook violently as my lungs begged me for oxygen. I cried on my bedroom floor, clutching my knees to my chest, wishing this would all end. I hated the long days at college. I hated the late nights at work. I hated the assignments I had piling up. I hated the alcoholic uncle I lived with. I hated it all. I was exhausted and weak.

The only thing that got me through that night was the thought Ashton. His hazel eyes. His carefree smile. His flawless skin. His flopping, curly hair. Him and I together. Just us.

He was saving me.


I faced college like a zombie the next day. I paid even less attention than normal. 

I had fallen asleep leaning against my bedroom door last night, in the same clothes I had came home in. I was stiff and sore. My back ached and my eyes were heavy. I just wanted to sleep.

Gorge was concerned but I begged him not to make a big deal about it. 

'Come back to mine after college,' Gorge offered as we ate lunch. This was the first thing I had eaten in almost 24 hours. The sandwich I had bought this morning hit the pit of my empty stomach, filling a hollow, making me feel more human. 'Have a nap before work, then we can go together. After all it is band night!' He nudged me with his elbow.

A smile grew across my face. I had forgotten I got to see Ashton tonight. It numbed the pain a little.

I slept peacefully on Gorge's bed. He sat on the other side of his spacious bedroom at his desk, typing away on his Mac.

I turned over, stretching and rubbing my eyes to wake them up.

'Good morn- afternoon!' Gorge sang cheerfully. I sat up resting against his head board, leaning my head back.

'I feel normal now.' I said, standing up, shaking myself out.

'You still look awful but if you feel better that's good,' Gogre pointed out, barely lifting his eyes from the computer screen.

'Yeh well, I guess beauty sleep is a real thing,' I said, looking in the mirror than hung beside his bedroom door. I still had black bags under my eyes and my skin was pale. Nothing a bit of make up couldn't fix.

'Yep, 8 hours minimum to get this like this,' Gorge said, stroking his chin.

I laughed, checking the time on my phone. 'I'm gonna go home, take a shower and get ready for work.' I reached for the handle of his door, opening it.

'Later loser,' he said, good naturally, 'see you later we can fangirl together.'


I got to work feeling fresher, more alive. The spring in my step could have been down to the rest I had or the excitement to see Ashton doing cartwheels inside me. Whatever it was, it worked.

I was behind the bar, pulling drinks for some girls around the same age as me when I saw the boys go up on stage.  Of course I noticed Ashton first.

He was without his glasses tonight. Instead he had a red bandana wrapped around his head, holding his hair back. He looked as gorgeous as ever. 

I was so caught up in Ashton's beauty I didn't realize the drink I was pouring was over flowing the glass, down my arm.

'Shit,' I said, setting the glass down, looking for a towel to wipe my hand on.

Why did he make me act like an idiot? I thought.

'I'll get you another one,' I shouted to the girl who's drink I had ruined. The music had begun and I don't think she heard me. Her attention was on the four boys on stage. She screamed with her friends and they began to move to the music. It's like she'd forgotten about everything in the room, except the band on stage. 

A pang of jealousy stung me. She better not have her eyes on Ashton. 


The boys were fantastic tonight, they were starting to look like a real band. They interacted with the crowd, their transition between songs was smoother and their playing in general was better. 

The crowds of people began to leave as they disassembled their gear. 

'There must have been 300 people here tonight!' I looked up to see Gorge walking over to me. I had started to clear tables now it was emptier.

'Hey!' I said, 'I didn't see you earlier!' It was strange because I had been behind the bar the whole time.

'Yeh, I wasn't drinking. It is a school night!' Gorge winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, 'You'll have us out of business!' I joked.

'I doubt it considering the numbers here tonight!' he laughed. Then he let out a long yawn. 'Anyway, I'm going to go. I am so tired. I don't know how you do this every night!' 

I smiled and said goodbye, not wanting to address his last comment. 

I picked up the empty glasses from the table and turned to bring them to the bar. Leaning against it, cool and confidently was Ashton.

'I was waiting all day to talk to you,' he said, a broad smile on his face. The smile that had been saving me.

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