Part 24- Like The Stars

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'Jess we've got a shot. We actually have a real chance at this.' Michael said, his voice was serious and determind.

I was lost for words. 'Michael don't do this to me again, please.' I looked up at him sorrowfully but he didn't look sad. All I saw was confusion.

'Wait, what do you think I am talking about?' he asked, he relaxed a little bit. 'Haven't you spoken to Ash?'

'I thought you were... no I haven't spoken to him I was just about to,' I was the one who didn't understand now. 'Why?'

Michael laughed, there was a bitter undertone to it though. 'The man from the record company was there. He told us we were good but gave us a list of things we need to improve,' he rolled his eyes, 'we have another gig next week and there'll be more people there from the company... Jess, if they like us they sign us. We have a really good chance of getting somewhere with this.'

I was stunned. I was convinced Michael was talking about us. That we had a real shot. I felt like such an idiot. I was relieved though.

'That's great,' I said shakily. And it was great, yes. In fact it was spectacular. But I didn't like the way I felt looking at Michael. I felt a little spark go off watching his eyes twinkling as he spoke. He was excited and it was shinning through. The bruise on his face mixed with the shadows cast on him from the dim street lights. It had gone down considerably but I could still see it. Even with the injury he carried, I found myself looking at Michael differently. I noticed the outline of his features and the way they complemented each other. He was distinctively attractive. I tried to shake the idea out if my head but I couldn't. I couldn't.

My phone buzzed in my hand. 'It's Ashton calling me,' I wasn't sure if I was talking to Michael or reminding myself that I had a boyfriend.

'Answer it,' Michael said, 'and act excited. Don't look like you've just seen a fucking ghost ok?'

I nodded my head, 'Hey Ash,' I said calmly even though I was nervous for some obscure reason. 'Sorry my phone cut out on me earlier,' I lied.

'It's fine Princess don't worry,' I could hear he was smiling. It made my tension ease a little but not a lot. 'Boy have I got news for you!'

I let him talk, occasionally saying 'yeh' or 'ok' just so he knew I was still there. He went into a lot more detail than Michael did. I had zoned out and was looking at the boy in front of me now.

Michael had pulled out a cigarette and was pacing back and forth now. I watched every movement of his, subconsciously comparing him to Ashton.

'...Jess we have been given an amazing opportunity here. We could, we could do this!' Ashton was bursting with happiness and excitement. It was infectious.

'Babe that is so great!' I still had to force a little shock and delight.

'We're gonna practice every fucking day. Oh crap I didn't mean to swear I'm so sorry I'm just so fu... so excited!' he laughed.

'I know! This is amazing! Michael...' Shit why did I say his name?

Michael's head snapped up and looked at me.

'... Luke and Calum must be thrilled to!' Lamest save ever.

'Yeh we are all over the moon!' Ashton paid no attention to what I'd just done. 'Baby I need you there ok, we'll all need you there. And Gorge! Gorge will be there too. Calum's already told him I bet! Say you'll be there Princess, please?'

'Ok,' I said, 'I'll be there.' Michael was looking at me now. We were staring at each other and I wondered if he could hear every word of our conversation.

'Baby girl I don't know what I would do with out you,' Ashton said the other side of the phone.

'You have no idea how much you mean to me Ash,' Michael tore his gaze away from me. He looked to the sky, to the ground, anywhere but directly at me.

'Jess I... I like to think I know exactly how you feel, because I feel the same about you.' Everything inside me turned to mush but the twisted sick feeling in my tummy was back.

'Ashton I'm gonna go, I'm really tried just got in from work...'

'Oh of course babe, you get your beauty sleep. Not that I think you need it you are perfect the way you are. Good night Princess, I hope you have the sweetest dreams.' he made kiss noise which made me gigge.

'Night Boyfriend,' I joked mimicking the noise he made.

'God you are so awesome, and beautiful. Night!' he rushed befors hanging up.

The smile I wore quickly faded when I looked up and saw Michael's face.

'Boyfriend?' he sounded like he's been shot.

'Yeh did he not mention that earlier?' I asked, feeling guilty.

'No,' he spat out, 'lets get you home.' He turned quickly on his heels and stormed off.

I felt a part of me crack watching him walking away from me. I couldn't describe it.

It was like the stars in the park the other night; it suddenly hit me how gorgeous they were. The same happened with Michael Clifford.

'Michael I'm sorry,' I began but he jumped in.

'What are you sorry for Jess? Falling for my best friend while I sit here desperately in love with you? It's not your fault though is it?' he was shouting, he was still walking ahead of me, 'You can't help how you feel, I can't help how I feel, we're just stuck in one big fucked up mess. The real world is nothing like the movies, no one gets a fucking happy ending here.'

I stayed silent the rest of the way to my apartment. When we got to the building Michael turned to look at me for the first time since we left the ally. 'Ok you're home, if this was a movie you would kiss me right now!' Anger in his voice bubbled over.

'I know,' I said and stepped forward. Michael stood where he was and stayed there as I neared him.

'Jess?' his voice had lost the sharpness and now was holding shreds of confusion.

'Yeh?' I put my arms around his neck.

'What are you...' Before he could finish my lips were on his.

I was kissing Michael.


Not gonna be able to update much tomorrow :(

So, for that reason, I am gonna leave you all with this totally not dramatic ending which leaves you with no questions whatsoever.


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