Part 13- Least Expected

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I wasn't sure what this thing Ashton and I had was called. After one date, which was followed by constant texting, we were hardly boyfriend and girlfriend, but we were something.

'I can't wait to see you tomorrow x'  I texted him from under my duvet on Tuesday night. Our date the previous night had numbed me to the coldness of reality and it felt like I was flying. I passed through college and work totally unfazed but it all.

I settled my head on my pillow, closing my eyes. I let thoughts of Ashton swirl through my mind, colliding with each other creating a dizzying mess. I didn't try to understand any of it. Ashton made me crazy and I didn't want to stop him.


I walked out if college the following day with Gorge, both of us cheerful and excited. I told him about Ashton and he told me about Calum. We sounded like two typical teenage girls. It was sickening.

We arrived at Ashton's and went straight to the garage. Michael was standing outside, a cigarette hanging out the side of him mouth, casually typing away on his phone. He wore a grey beanie which covered his peculiar hair style. He barley acknowledged us as we passed, only raising his head  so slightly it surely couldn't be considered a nod. He was so... odd.

'Hey guys!' Calum walked over to us as soon as we walked in the door. He pulled us both in for hugs, Gorge's lasting noticeably longer than mine.

I glanced at the drum kit but Ashton wasn't there.

'He's just gone to pick up his brother from somewhere,' Luke said, following my gaze. He was sitting on the floor, guitar in hand, with a notebook and pen laid out in front of him. Violent, black scrawls were splashed all over the lined pages.

'What are you doing?' I asked, sitting down beside him, crossing my legs. I was genuinely interested in what he was writing.

'Well I was trying to write a song,' he shook his head, annoyed with himself, 'but I just can't. It's harder than you'd think.'

'Play me what you have so far, ' I asked him, he seemed so down in himself.

He pushed the book towards me. Every word that had been written was now drowned under a sea of black. He had nothing.

'Oh... maybe you could Google how to write a song?' I was clueless but it was the only bit if advice I could come up with.

'I... I don't think it works like that Jess,' he said quietly, 'I think you have to feel it you, you know, actually believe every word of what you say. You can't just write something and hope for the best. You need to have reason to write it, because if you don't write it, it's going to burst out of your chest. You know?' Luke sighed.

'After that speech I find it difficult to believe you have any hardship trying to string words together!' I laughed and Luke smiled back.


I spent another few minutes sitting on the cold floor with Luke before Ashton came in. As soon as I saw him it sent a thousand tiny butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy.

'Hey,' he said, as cool as you like. His eyes held mine like we were the only people in the room, like we were the only people on earth.


The practice was far more entertaining today. The boys had raided an old dress up box that was being stored in the garage and were wearing various garments shamelessly. Even Michael, who I thought would have regarded the idea as stupid was squished into a Spiderman costume that was supposed to be for an 11 year old. My sides ached from laughing so hard.

'We're a serious band!' Calum cried when he noticed Gorge taking pictures. It was true, the boys were still one hundred per cent focused on their music. They had a good balance of hard work and humour.

I checked my phone and it was 7:15.

'Hey Ashton,' I said,  standing up to go, 'do you think you could drop me to work? Actually do you could you drop me to my apartment I need to get my uniform...' I nervously tugged at my sleeves. I know he had offered to bring me home but I still didn't want to burden him.

'Of course,' he smiled at me, standing up. 'Gorge do you want a lift or are you ok waiting for the next bus?' I could have sworn I saw his eyes dart in Calum's direction.

'I'll wait,' Gorge said smile, exchanging glances with Calum.

'I'm coming,' Michael said, slinging his guitar case over his back. He looked over at Ashton, then to me and walked straight out of the garage without saying goodbye to anyone. 

I was shocked, I just looked at Gorge who shrugged in response. Ashton sighed as he walked towards me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him, 'I was hoping it would be just you and me,' he whispered. 

'Why is he coming?' I asked, keeping my voice low so Michael wouldn't over hear me. 

'He lives that side of town, it makes sense I guess, otherwise I would have to drive back there later with the other boys,' he pulled the keys out of his pocket unlocking the car. 

Michael put his guitar in the back seat of Ashton's car and climbed into the front seat. 

'Mikey!' Ashton called, 'at least let Jess sit-' the door was slammed shut before Ashton could even finish his sentence.

'It's fine,' I lied. My tolerance for Michael wafer thin. 


Work was almost dead. I stood with Alicia behind the bar, as three men sat at the counter, clinging to their beers for dear life. Sorrow burning in their eyes. I pitied them.

I texted Ashton to pass the time. 

So boring... I would prefer to be at one of your stupid band practices instead x' I joked, laughing under my breath as I sent it.

Beep beep.

Wait so you're telling me that you'd prefer to watch 4 strapping young men dress up like super heroes instead of tend to an empty bar? Well I am shocked! x

'I'm gonna go,' Alicia said in her monotonic voice, snapping me back into the real world, 'It's dead.' She nodded a goodbye to me as she left to get her bag from the backroom. 

I looked at my phone. I had 2 more hours before closing time. I looked at the sullen faces sitting opposite me and then back to my phone. I was ok with waiting.


The time flew and before I knew it I was slamming the heavy back door of the bar shut for the night. I locked up and began to walk up the ally when I stopped in my tracks. 

Someone was waiting at the top of the alleyway.

I panicked a little. It was after midnight and there wasn't anyone else around. I dialed the emergency number in my phone and left my thumb hoovering over it as I walked slowly towards the dark, hooded figure. My breathing was irregular and fast, mimicking my heart beat. 

As I approached the body, leaning against the wall, I saw they were on their phone. The dim light for the screen shone up onto their face. It was enough for me to recognize the person I least expected to see.



Hmmmmmmmm what do you think?!

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