Part 28- Here We Go Again

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'Calum, that was... Amazing,' Luke said, in a complete state of shock. 'How did you... How did you do that?'

'I dunno,' Calum laughed, 'I just... felt it. I wrote exactly how I felt.'

'Calum, it was incredible.' Ashton said, equally stunned. Through out it I had seen him working out the beat and fake playing the drums. Music ran through the veins of these boys. It was their life. 

'We should play it on Saturday, for the bad ass suit guy!' Luke cried, excitement brewing inside him. I really wondered what that guy's real name was.

'I dunno,' Calum said, his forehead creased, he rubbed his chin thinking about it. 'It's kind of a big risk, should we?' 

'Yes!' we all cried in unison. Michael walked back in, he looked a little calmer now. 

'Calum we're singing it,' he said firmly.

There were no more questions about it. All the boys nodded their head, looking at each other, their eyes dancing with hope and excitement. 

For the first time, I actually believed in them. I actually believed they could do it. With all their hard work, talent and charm, why couldn't they? Some were lucky enough to make their dreams and reality collide. If anyone could do it, it was 5 Seconds of Summer.


The rest of practice was spent planning what they were going to preform for the record label executives.

They had been given a list of pointers they were told to improve. One of them read 'original material,' so obviously we crossed that off. Another was stage arrangement. Normally the boys just stood where ever on the stage, they had no order. Gorge and I decided it was best to have Luke in the middle with Michael on the left and Calum on the right. We sorted through the list, ticking things off as we altered them. We were all caught up in the excitement. 

'Jess, think it's time I brought you to home,' Ashton said, standing up from his stool, stretching his arms. 

I checked the time on my phone. 'Yeh good idea,' I got to my feet as well. My bum was numb from sitting on the browning garden chair for so long.

'Michael, do you... want a...?' Ashton began but he stopped himself. 

'No,' Michael said, he didn't even look at him or thank him.

I tried to brush it off but I couldn't, it bothered me. 'You could at least say thank you,' I said to Michael, I'll admit it was uncalled for. 

'Oh fuck off Jess,' he snapped, everyone looked at him in horror as he continued. 'Fuck off and shut your mouth.'

'Michael!' Ashton tensed, stepping between me and Michael. I was shocked, he'd snapped so quickly. He had no right to speak to me like that in front of the others.

'Don't talk to me like that!' I said, fighting back, 'all you had to do was say thank you to my boyfriend.' I put emphasis on the last part because I knew it would sting him. I was being a little harsh, I don't know what came over me. But I didn't care, I felt like I needed to get it off my chest.

'Jess, it's ok,' Ashton came over to me, stroking my face, 'it's ok. Michael, apologise.' 

'Apologise? I did nothing!' he laughed in disbelief, he started to search in his pockets and withdrew an empty box of cigarettes. 'Fuck,' he muttered. 

'Mikey,' Ashton was softer now, he was trying to calm everyone down. 'Just say sorry.'

Michael sighed, 'Jess I'm so sorry... That your boyfriend is so fucking blind that he thinks I'm the one who needs to apologise.' He tossed the empty box on the floor. 'You know what, fuck this, I'm going to get more smokes.'

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