Part 26- Surprise

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'Oh my god.' 

'Gorge?' I shook his arm. 'What did it say?' 


My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I didn't quiet know what to say. Sadness was washing over him. 

'Gorge I'm so...' I began but then I was cut off. 

'We're going to dinner instead!' He said standing up, knocking his chair back. 'Jess, I'm going to dinner with Calum Hood!' He jumped up and down screaming like a kid.

I couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement. I joined in with him, leaping out of my seat. The other customers turned to look at us. We kept on bouncing and yelling unintelligent syllables at each other. Gorge picked me up and swung me around, my flailing leg hit the table causing a small, potted plant that sat on it to fall off. It hit the ground, shattering and spilling compost everywhere. 

'Everyone I am so sorry!' Gorge called out when he'd set me down. He brushed down the front of his clothes, and rested his hands on his hips. He spoke to the whole coffee shop. 'But I just bagged myself a date with the cutest boy I have ever seen. If that's not something to sing and dance about, well, I don't know what is.' Everyone sat, wide eyed staring at him.

'Gorge,' the waitress came over to us with a sweeping brush and a plastic bag. She knew our names because we'd been here so often. She handed them to him and signalled to the shattered pot on the floor. 'Congratulations,' she said with a wink and he took them off her.

'Thank you darling!' he cried, 'and don't you worry! I'll clean up this mess.' He smiled at the waitress pleasantly and then turned to give me the brush. 'Here Jess.' 

'Gorge!' I complained, taking it anyway.

'What? You know I don't sweep sweetie.' He looked disgusted at the thought of it.

The afternoon made me almost forget about everything else that was going on. Sometimes you just needed a little escape from reality. Even more sparingly, you had to run away from your own thoughts. 


Tuesday nights in the bar really dragged. No one usually came and I was running the bar alone. Tonight was no exception. 

Until 9:23pm when I saw Ashton walk in the door. 

The whole atmosphere of the room changed. It got warmer and brighter. The music that was playing for ambience faded to nothing. All I could hear was Ashton's footsteps and my heart beating in time.  

'Why hello there pretty lady, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?' he asked, smirking and putting on a funny accent.

'Just waiting for a boy like you to come save me,' I smiled back at him, playing along.

'God you're so cool,' he giggled and leaned over the bar to kiss me. 

'Not as cool as my boyfriend is,' I whispered, playfully as he moved away. 'No one's as cool as him.'

He stuck his chest out proudly, 'I'm one hell of a guy aren't I?' 

I burst out laughing, I picked up a cloth and threw it at him. 'Sit down Irwin, you're embarrassing me.'

'Can I stand up on the bar Jess?' he asked in the same tone he would use to ask for the time.

'Ok but you can wash it down with disinfectant after!' I said rolling my eyes. 

'Awesome!' he cried standing up on the bar. He formed a rock signal with his hands and held them up above his head. 'Webley!' he yelled and I realized what he was doing, 'we are 5 Seconds of Summer and we are here to rock!' He continued to head-bang a while longer before looking at me. 'That's the dream Jess!' He jumped down off the counter.

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