Part 3- No ID, No Alcohol

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I arrived at the bar a little earlier than usual. It was crazy but the beautiful boy I had come face to face with only 7 days ago had been playing on my mind since then. I was eager to talk to him properly, rather than stare in awe at him.

'You're early,' Alicia said, in here plain, monotonic voice as I approached the bar.

'I guess, I just had to get out of the house.' It wasn't a lie. I would have had a book or something thrown at my head if I was in the apartment any longer than I had been. Someone had put a drunken bet on a horse last night. Someone had just lost $200. 

Alicia barely grunted in response. I scanned the room for any sign of the young band who were gracing us with their presence tonight. Barney had been worried that there would be another low turn out tonight so he invite another band to play after them. That meant shorter time for both bands but longer hours for me. 

I didn't care, I was excited to see that boy.

Barney had played his cards right. There was a lot more people here tonight. Close to 100. I was kept busy. Scooting from one table to another, taking orders and empty glasses with me as I passed. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to focus on the band. I tried in vain to capture a glimpse of them but the lights were too dark and the smoke machine worked overtime. 

Their music was better this time. Rehearsals had obviously been underway. I smiled to myself, feeling as though my advice to Luke had been undertaken. 

 I hadn't gotten to speak to them prior to their performance. They had arrived late, the same time as a rowdy group of women in their thirties, celebrating a hen party I thought to myself. I had missed my opportunity to see them before the gig. I prayed to the heavens above that they might hang around after the show so I could catch them. So I could catch him.


Half an hour later, filled with the messy transition of one band to another, the bar had calmed down. It was my first opportunity to slow down a bit, get a drink of water for myself....

'Excuse me?' I snapped out of the trance I was in, 'Can I get a beer please?'

'ID?' I questioned the dark boy standing in front of me. He was in the band. He was tall, not as tall as Luke but still tall. He had deep, chocolate brown eyes which were hard to see clearly in the darkened atmospheric room. 

'I... eh... don't have it,' he said patting his pockets as if it would magically appear if he did. 

'Sorry,' I said turning my back to him to deal with another costumer who was growing impatient.

'Please?' he begged, his hand reached across the bar to grab my arm stopping me moving further.

I looked down unimpressed. 'Sorry,' I spat not caring if I sounded rude, 'those are the rules. No ID, no alcohol,'

'Fine,' he looked pissed off, 'I'll have a Coke.'

'Ooooooook,' I dragged it out, giving myself time to calm down. Band memebers always thought they had the devine right to be treated differently to everyone else in the bar. It annoyed me. I filled the glass with ice and cola and left it sitting in front of the boy.

'Thanks,' he smiled, warmly, It made me want to slap him. 'I'm Calum,' he said 'I suspect I'll be seeing a lot of you... what's you name?' He tried to read my name tag but that was pointless because my hair fell covering it. 

'Jess. I'm Jess.' Then I realised what he said. 'Why will you be seeing a lot of me?'

'Oh, we've got this places booked for the next six weeks. Barney's been so great...' I let him ramble on for what felt like forever. My mind zoned out completely. I could see his mouth move but nothing he said registered in my brain. I nodded pretending I cared. I was far to unsocial to be working in a bar. 

Six weeks. I relaxed a little bit. Even if I didnt see that good looking boy tonight, eventually I would.

'So you'll be there?' Calum asked me, adjusting his head so he could look into my eyes.

'Humm?' I asked, coming back to reality with a crashing bang. 'Sorry, what did you say?'

He gave a me a knowing look, as if everyone he spoke to didn't care about what he was saying. 'I said we have a gig in another place this weekend, you wanna come?' He sipped his drink, pretending that it was something stronger than it actually was. How pathetic. 

'Can't. Work,' I said bluntly and turned to leave him standing by himself while I went to make myself useful. I didn't look back at him once.


As I locked up for the night, I put the hood of my jump up. It wasn't raining just very cold. Winter was almost here. I shoved my hands into my pocket and felt something unusual. I pulled out a flyer.

5 Seconds of Summer- it read in thick, red print. It gave a name of a bar not to far from here and times. I flipped it over in my hand, examining it carefully. There was a message scribbled in black ink, boyish hand writing.

Just in case you change you're mind, I'm sure Barney would understand, he's trying to get as many people to know who were are as possible. Thanks for the Coke. - Calum.

I looked at it, both sides of it, as I walked up the ally way. He'd somehow found my jacket and put the advertisement in it for me. I read the personal note for me once more before I crumpled it up and tossed it in the rubbish bin at the top of the ally way. 

Thanks, but no thanks. 

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