Part 27- Gotta Get Out

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My body was stiff with fear. Beads of sweat were trialling down my back but I was still cold all over. 

Ashton looked down at me, worried. He put one arm around my shoulder and pulled me in to him. He kissed  me on the forehead while speaking, 'it's ok Princess, I won't let them hurt you, ok?'

Too late.

I just nodded my head and let Ashton pull me by my trembling hand to the top of the ally. With every step I took I felt myself becoming more and more nervous, my stomach was churning and my heart beat was irregular. 

We were a few steps away when Ashton narrowed his eyes, 'is that...'

'Hey Ash,' Micahel said as casually as you like. He took a final drag of his cigarette and put it out, stubbing it against the wall. Everything was so silent I swore I could hear the gentle thud when it hit the ground. 

'Michael?' Ashton's voice was filled to the brim with disbelief. 'What are you doing here?' 

'I was waiting,' his voice was still easy, he wasn't trying to force it. 

My head went into a bewildered state. Why wasn't Michael trying to come up with something to save himself? Was he going crazy? 

'You were waiting for me?' I finally managed to say. If Michael wasn't going to try to avoid drama, I most certainly was. I didn't want Ashton thinking I knew he was going to be here.

'Not you Jess,' Michael rolled his eyes, 'Ashton.'

Ashton and I spoke together, 'Ashton?' 'Me?'

'Yeh I was out walking and I saw Ashton's car around the front. I tried to get in the front door but it was locked. I knew you would come out this door,' he pointed down the narrow street. 'So I waited here for you because I want a lift home.' He flipped open the tatty box he always carried and took out another cigarette.

'Sure thing,' Ashton said a little confused, scratching the back of his head. 'What were you doing out at this hour of the night though?' 

'Walking, I just said that,' he replied flatly. 

'But to where?' Ashton chuckled.

'Didn't have a destination in mind,' he was sucking on the end of cigarette, blowing the smoke downwards so it wouldn't go directly into our faces.

'Ok,' Ashton let out another faint laugh, 'I'm just gonna walk Jess home, then I'll be back,' he dug around in his pocket for his car keys then handed them to Michael, 'Here. I'll just walk her to the top of her street and I'll be back in about 5 minutes?'

Michael took the keys from his friend, 'It's ok, walk her to the door, let her kiss you on her doorstep. I'm in no rush.' He turned and walked the opposite direction to us to where Ashton had parked his car.

Ashton smiled down at me, still holding my hand. He gave it a gentle squeeze and then lifted it up to his lips so he could kiss it. 

I was twisted with a mixture of emotions consisting of relief, guilt and sadness. 

I did kiss Ashton outside my building. But it was just a peck. Nothing more. 


Gorge and Calum had a great night. Calum had booked a table in an Italian restaurant on the other side of town. It took a while to get out there but neither of them cared. The meet outside the restaurant and greeted each other with a long, warm hug.

'I like your shirt,' Calum said, holding the door open for Gorge. 'Is it new?' 

Gorge smiled, he'd never felt happier or more wanted in his life.

The sat in a cute little booth near the back wall. Gorge liked it because it was intimate and cute. Calum felt it protected them from judging eyes. If, the chances were slim but if, there was someone who knew him here, they probably wouldn't see him anyway.

They shared pizza and Tiramisu, secretes and giggles. Everything was going perfectly.

Neither of them had ever been as happy before. 

Calum was torn. He'd never thought he could feel this way about anyone, let alone a boy. He wanted to sing about how it felt to be with Gorge, but he couldn't think of a song to describe exactly how he felt. He was scared of what people would think, but even more terrified of the prospect of being without Gorge. 

Later that night when Gorge got home, he closed the door behind him and leaned against it. He thanked the stars above that he'd meet Calum.

His phone buzzed and he checked it. It was him.

You really need to come to band practice tomorrow. I wrote a song for you x


Gorge and I travelled to Ashton's the next day not speaking much. We both had a lot on our minds and were lost in our own worlds. The silence was welcoming, it gave us time to both think.

'How was last night?' I asked, I noticed he hadn't stopped smiling the whole time. 

'A-m-azing!' he cried, 'Jessie I really, really like Calum.'

'I know, I can tell,' I smiled back at him waiting for him to go on but he said nothing more. This was so unlike him. I didn't push it though. I knew he'd tell me eventually. 

We stayed quiet the rest of the way until we got to Ashton's. We walked into the garage to be greeted by a chorus of 'hi's and 'hey's.

We said hello back and hugged each member. Except Michael. 

I got a kiss from Ashton on the lips as he held me, he brushed stray hairs off my face and said, 'God, how did I get so lucky to have a girlfriend as perfect as you?' We were captivated by each other for a few moments.

'Jess!' Luke cried out, breaking the hold Ashton and I had each other. 'Calum wrote a song!' 

'Oh god,' I rolled my eyes, 'what does he want? More pizza too?' 

'No!' Calum said defensively, as Michael let down the guitar he was holding to go outside to smoke.  'It's... a real song.' Michael stormed out of the room letting the door slam behind him.

'Lets hear it!' Luke said excitedly, 'come on Calum! Is it about the girl you were with last night?'

I got a weird, hollow feeling and looked to Gorge who was tight-liped. 

'Yeh,' Calum said, not raising his eyes from the ground.

I noticed Gorge's shoulders sink and Ashton sit back folding his arms, biting his lip. Luke just stood in awe waiting for Calum to play. 

'Lets wait for Michael...' Calum began but he was interrupted by a shout from his friend on the other side of the door.

'Go ahead, I can hear you fine.' He sounded bitter.

'Ok,' Calum said, sitting down on a piece of grubby, plastic garden furniture.  He flipped open a notepad and said, 'it's called 'Gotta Get Out'... I really hope you guys like it.'

He sang perfectly, his voice was gentle and raspy. We all had tears forming by the time Calum had finished. He looked at us all, unsure.

'Well?' he said, his voice was small. 'What did you think?' 


So happy with this part yayy <3

First time I wrote about a part that didn't have Jess involved (Galum's date?)... I don't know, did it work? 

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