Part 30- Falling Into Place

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I couldn't believe it. Had I heard right? Had Ashton just said he loved me? There was a ringing in my ears that almost blocked out the sound of the applause that had broken out.

All eyes in the room were on me but all I could see was Michael. His face scrunched up like he had just tasted something bitter. The memory of him telling me he loved me outside my door came flooding back, almost drowning me. It hit me like a ton of bricks, knocking all the air out of me.

The contrast between that night and tonight was enormous.

Michael had opened up to me. Every word he spoke was raw with emotion, straight from the heart. He meant everything he said. He'd told me he love me and the dead silence of the night echoed in both of our ears. I said nothing back. I watched him shatter and I backed away. I didn't feel the same as he did. But we had something. I had never told my story as honestly to anyone prior to that night in the park. He knew all my secrets, even about my mum and Jimmy. He cared about me enough to walk me home everynight, without looking for anything in return. He was so loyal and kind to Ashton as well, especially when I kissed him. He could have so easily pushed the thought of his best friend away and kissed me back. He didn't, nor did he ever try to convince me to leave Ashton for him. Michael was so special.

Here I stood now, with Ashton dedicating a song to me. A great song but it was one he hadn't written. It just felt like something was missing. With the sound of clapping I couldn't hear myself think, it made me uncomfortable. But I loved Ashton. I knew it as soon as he said it that I loved him back. I guess I knew from the minute I saw him. He was perfect in every way possible. I loved all the little things he did, like call me 'Princess' or constant reminders that he thought I was beautiful. Just something didn't feel right about this moment.

I don't know what happened but in that instant, it clicked. I knew who I wanted. As I watched Michael's face whiten while Ashton  proudly told me he loved me, I knew who it was I needed.

The boys had began to play 'Gotta Get Out', but I wasn't really listening. I just had to leave the bar.

'Alicia I'm going to go ok?' I walked over to her tapping her in her shoulder. I dug around in the pocket of my work pants to find the key, 'lock up tonight and be warned, the back door slams.'

I turned and walked away before I could hear her arguement.

I needed to escape the sight of both boys. I couldn't bare to see them together, knowing I was going to break one of their hearts in favour of their best friend.

I knew who I wanted but I needed to say it to them alone. I couldn't do in in front of the other. I would wait.


I found college on Fridays really dragged. It was practically the weekend so no one was really in the mood to do anything. It was ok, I got to spend time daydreaming without missing too much.

Today seemed exceptionally long for Gorge and I because we were bursting with excitement for the concert later.

'They could do it! I really think they could, this could be their big break,' I was so hopeful.

Gorge was more skeptical, 'I don't know Jess, there's a lot of bands out there...'

'I know but, I just have a feeling! They have something, something special.' I was so excited I was almost screaming.

'I think that's just nervous,' he stated. He could have been right.


Gorge and I had decided to get dinner before the show. I felt it was an occasion that required an effort so I put on a black dress and high heeled shoes. I did my make up with great care and wore my hair in loose curls. As I left the apartment Jimmy had commented on how nice I looked. He told me I looked just like my mum and I had to rush out before we both started crying. He'd managed to stay off the drink since the night I found him crying on the floor. I was proud of him, maybe he'd turned a corner.

After our meal we waited in a queue to get into the theatre. It had been arranged by the record label and it was so different to the bar scene the boys usually played. There was going to be 2000 people here for them tonight. I couldn't describe how I felt for them.

We took our seats inside and instantly I noticed Ashton's mum in front of me. I tapped her on her shoulder to introduce myself properly. 'Hi...' I said but stopped when I saw a huge smile on her face.

'Well hello there! Jess isn't it? Can I just say you seem like a wonderful girl, you make Ashton so happy, he won't stop talking about you all the time. He really likes you, I can tell by his face.'

I just nodded my head and forced a smiled.

I watched as four silhouettes walked on stage, my heart racing. The lights came on as soon as the music began. The sound was electric, I could feel it in my veins. They were on fire.

The whole crowd went crazy for them all night. Singing and dancing, screaming and cheering. Gorge spotted the executives sitting in a box. We sighed, relieved,  when we saw them smile and nod their heads at each other.

After the show, we were invited to go backstage with Ashton's mum. It felt pretty cool walking by a crowd of screaming girls and going backstage. Ok it was lame but whatever.

As soon as we got behind the heavy back curtain we saw the four boys, all hugging each other.  I wanted to run up and join in but I couldn't ruin that moment. It was perfect for them. Everything was falling into place.

There was a minibar backstage so everyone was happy to stay there for a while. Except me. I wanted to get him on his own and tell him how I felt.

I saw him deep in conversation with Calum but I went over to him anyway.

'Hey,' I said. He saw me from the corner of his eye but ignored me. He raised his bottle of beer to his lips.'Look I know you are mad at me but, can we please talk? Alone?' I shot Calum an apologetic look. He understood and walked off, sipping his beer.

'Lets go somewhere else.' he looked at me angrily.

'Ok but where?' backstage was just one big, open room.

'There's a storage room down there,' he pointed down a black hallway.

'Ok,' I took a deep breath.

He walked ahead of me, stomping his feet. I struggled to keep up with him. We walked down the dark hall and he felt for a handle. He opened it and patted the wall looking for a light switch. He turned it in and the room illuminated in a white glow. I closed the door behind me.

'Look,' I was about to say his name when I felt his lips come down hard on mine. We'd kissed before but it was nothing like this. He wanted me, I could tell. I gave him as much as I could.

My hands were around his neck but then I moved them, under his top onto his chest. His hands rested on the back of my thighs and were climbing under the hem of my dress.

'You know the way you said you love me?' I said, pulling back just briefly before our lips connected again.

'Yeh?' he breathed out.

'I love you too.' That sent him crazy. 

His hands were dangerously high up my leg now, grabbing and pinching my bare skin. My hands were lifting his shirt so his naked torso was exposed.

'Jess, I don't know if this is too soon but do you want to...' He hesitated for a moment

'Yes, God I want to so badly,' I was pulling his shirt off him now. He was undoing his belt and I had my dress unzipped. I held my arms up for him to lift it off me.

It was half way off when the door opened. My heart stopped beating.

'Michael?' Ashton cried.

'I was just,' Michael paused looking at my half naked body, 'em...'

My plan didn't work. Everything was falling into pieces.



I had stayed awake until 2am writing last night and I didn't save it :o I felt like crying!! But yeh I am sorry this took so long. I was busy today :(

Also I am planning 2 more parts of this fanfic only... I am actually gonna miss it :'(

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