Part 23- Boyfriend

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'You want me to be your girlfriend?' I couldn't believe it.

'Well yeh... If you want of course, if not that's ok, this can be what ever you want Princess,' Ashton said, kissing the tip of my nose, turning my whole body to jelly.

'Of course, of course, you can call me your girlfriend!' I said, laughing and grabbing Ashton's face again. We kissed and could feel each other smiling.

But a small part of my mind was else where. A small part of it was with someone else.



'Ashton you don't have to stop! Just pull over and I'll hop out!' I laughed at him. He'd driven me home but insisted on stopping the car. He found a space to park and eased the car to a hault. 

'Jess, please, ok?' he switched of the engine. 'What kind of a boyfriend would I be if...' He took off his seat belt, opened the door and sprung out of his seat. I watched him as he ran around the front of the car, reached the passenger door and opened it. He held out a hand for me to take, '... If I didn't do things like this for my Princess?' He winked at me.

I eyed him playfully, 'I never asked you to be my boyfriend.' I took his hand and stood up. I'd caught him off guard.

'What, but... If you're my... But I think because...' he paused, 'Jess?'

'Yes?' I copied the way he raised his voice at the end.

'Can I be your boyfriend?' he asked grinning, he pulled me into him in a tight embrace. 

'Oh my god Ashton!' I said, pretending I was shocked, 'You can't just invite yourself to be someone's boyfriend! You have to wait to be invited!' I tried to wiggle out of his hold but I couldn't.

'Jess can I be your boyfriend? Can I? Can I? Jess? Jess? Please? Can I? Jess? Can I? How about now? Now? Can I?' he continued, poking me in the side with every question.

I giggles and tried my hardest to escape the torment. 'Ash please stop!' I squealed. 'Ash please!' He ignored my pleas. 'Boyfriend let go!' I finally said.

I felt the prodding stop and his grip around me loosen. 'Ok, girlfriend, I'll stop.' He kissed my lips and then my check and then my forehead.

'Good luck with your show tonight,' I whispered, I didn't have to speak any louder because he was so close to me. 'You'll smAsh it as always. Let me know how you get on.'

He winked, 'You got it Princess.' He kissed me once more and then he was gone.

Michael. Michael.


I opened the door of the apartment to be greeted by a familiar sight but in a different circumstance. 

Jimmy was on the floor of the apartment. He wasn't passed out or intoxicated though. He was sitting on his knees with a shoe box filled with pictures in front of him. I stood still and watched him. He was completely unaware of anything going on around him, he hadn't heard me come in. I spoke gently so not to startle him. 

'Jim?' I said, quietly, I closed the door and rested my keys on the shelf beside it. I walked over to him and saw his shoulders shaking and knew he was crying. He hadn't said a word to me yet but I knew instantly he was in a rare state of soberness. I felt relieved. 

'Jimmy,' I got down on my knees beside him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. 'Are you missing her?'

All he could do was nod his head. He cried out in pain at the thought of her. I looked at one of the pictures on the ground. It was of my mum standing on a beach. The sun was shinning in the background, the golden sand in behind her made her jet black hair stand out. The blue sea was like a sapphire. She had a huge smile on her face as she leaned against the railing separating the boardwalk from the sand. Everything about the picture made me want to cry.

'I miss her too,' I said softly, 'I miss her so much. I'd give anything to have her back. Even for a day. I just want to feel her arms around me again.' I let the tears that were beginning to surface form before I continued to speak. 'I want her to shout at me for not doing my homework or not eating my vegetables. I wouldn't even care if she was mad at me, I would run straight up to her and hug her and tell her I love her. I'd let her kiss me and stroke my hair. God, I miss her so much.'

'Jessica, I'm sorry I can't be there for you all the time. I'm sorry things turned out this way. You deserve better than this.' I was hard to make his words out. He was trembling violently, gasping for breath. 'I never meant to cause you this much pain. You have suffered enough. I wish it was different. I wish she was here for us... for you.'

'It's ok Jimmy, we can get you help. If you cut down on the drink you could get a job and then if we put some money together, the two of us, maybe we could afford to get you to that rehab place. I have the brochures somewhere... what do you say?'

He looked at me sadly, 'Jess I can't. I'm sorry. These demons are stronger than I am, you know that. I'm a lost cause. I've tried before, you know I have, it's hopeless.' He sighed and cried harder. 'I'm sorry.'

There was nothing more to be said. I just held my distraught uncle in my arms for a long time. For the second time in less than twenty four hours I had to comfort a crying man.



Work was busy and I was under pressure all night from customers to get drinks, clear tables and wipe up spills. I was hit all night long with requests and orders. At 2:50 the bar began to empty and I got a chance to check my phone.

I had three texts and two missed calls from Ashton and 3 Facebook messages from Calum.

I read the texts from Ashton first.

Princess today was amazing, I had such a good time! Just about to go on stage, I will let you know how we get on. No one in the crowd will be nearly as beautiful as you xxx

I smiled, agreeing today had been incredible. I went into the next one.

It went so well!!!!!! Best yet!!! God I wish you were there, I wish I could have seen your pretty face from the stage xxx

Then I checked the last one, it sent my heart fluttering in a different way.

Calum had been right... There was a man in a bad ass suit from a bad ass record company... BABY RING ME WHEN YOU CAN! Oh and by the way you are beautiful and I am one hell of a lucky guy to call you my girlfriend. DON'T FORGET TO CALL ME X

Calum's messages were along the same lines as the one Ash had sent me regarding the man in the killer suit.

I shoved my phone back into my jacket pocket and quickly went back to cleaning up.

As I was leaving, locking up for the night I dialled Ashton's number. I held the phone to my face waiting for him to answer. I was looking down at my feet, smiling waiting for him to pick up when I bumped into something. No, someone.

'Hello? Jess wait 'til I tell you..' I heard Ashton say. I hung before he could say anything else.





I have 3 important things to say-

(1) Jashton

(2) I feel sorry for Jimmy tbh

(3) Funny story from today- I was in the bathroom, and for some reason the walls there are like wafer thin and I realised someone in the apartment above me was singing SLSP. Naturally I began to sing it back and then she stopped. ALL I WAS TRYING TO DO WAS MAKE A FRIEND AW :(

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