Part 29- I Love You

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I stopped after a short while of gagging. The only thing that really came up was the water I had sipped mixed with some yellow liquid. I cringed at the smell of it.

'Ashton I'm so sorry,' I said between my oesophagus violently contracting, squeezing everything out. Tears had began to fall again. Crying and being sick was exhausting me to my bones.

'Jess, Jess, Jess,' Ashton rubbed the back of my trembling body. 'Stop talking, tell me again,' he started to lift me up from under my elbows. He carried me, weak and sobbing, to the passenger seat of his mum's car. He opened the glove box and pulled out a plastic bag.

'If you feel like getting sick again, do it in this ok?' he looked at me worried. He wiped the hair that had stuck to my sweating forehead away. I was crying too much to say anything so I just nodded.

'I don't even have a tissue,' he searched his pockets and then the glove-box again. He pulled out a red and white bandana and handed it to me, 'here.'

'Thank you,' I ran it over my whole face.

'Just... could you wash it and give it back? It's kinda my favourite one.'

I nodded. He stroked my forehead and and leaned in to kiss me.

'Ash I'm sorry,' I whimpered again, 'I really, really am.'

'Jess, baby please don't apologize, you can't help if you feel sick.'

I just nodded again, pretending that's what I was talking about.

He drove me home in further silence. The only thing I could hear was the music playing quietly from the radio. I was sweating but my hands were freezing cold. I was almost asleep by the time we'd reached the apartment.

'Do you want me to bring you in? I can walk you in if you want, maybe we could fall asleep together on the sofa again?' he wore a playful smile but it disappeared when he saw my greening face.

'I'm sorry but I really just want to be alone. Thank you though.'I raised my body from the seat and pushed myself out of the car. I was wobbling but managed to make it to the door upright.

'Are you sure you don't want me to walk you in?' Ashton shouted from the driver's seat, his elbow resting out the open window.

It took me three attempts to get the key in the door, 'Yeh I am perfectly ok!' I shouted back. I opened the door and waved to Ashton. He waved back and drove off.

I let the door bang shut. I hobbled up the stairs, by the time I got to the top I had to sit down to catch my breath. I took out my phone and texted Barney to say I couldn't make it to work because I was ill. I closed my eyes just to rest them but before I could stop myself I had drifted into a deep sleep, sitting outside the apartment door.

I woke up a couple of hours later. I was still cold and dizzy. I stood up and got into the apartment. I carried my heavy body to my bed. I didn't take off my clothes or what remained of my make up. I didn't wash or eat anything because I couldn't. I just flopped lifeless onto mattress.


I awoke at 12 o'clock the next day. I obviously had been sick because I never normally slept more than a few hours at a time. My head was sore but I had more energy today.

I got up and straight away took two pain killers.I had a shower and I brushed my teeth and it was the best feeling in the whole world. I put on some fresh clothes but lay back down on my bed.

I picked up my phone and I had a text from Gorge.

Hey Jess, where are you? Maybe you could meet me for a coffee after college? I REALLY NEED TO TALK... Boy drama :( x

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