Part 11- Everyone Likes Pepperoni

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Barney was fine with me inviting Ashton to hang out before the bar was open. He just smiled and raised his eyebrow when he saw me enter carrying an extra box of pizza.

'Feeling hungry are we?' he joked, looking over the the top of his glasses. He was sitting at the bar, reading papers filled with figures. 

'It's not for me,' I said, dipping my head trying to hide my smile. 'It's for a friend.'

'Of the boy variety?' he took off his glasses and rested them on top of his head, he stretched his arms and then settled his hands on his curving beer belly. 

'Do you want cheese, pepperoni or Mexican?' I asked him, putting the boxes down beside him. Ignoring the question.

'I don't know,' he said looking up at me, a playful smile on his face, 'What will your boy friend, friend who's a boy, prefer?' 

'I don't know,' I shrugged. 'What if he doesn't like any of them?' I panicked.

'Well I'll take the Mexican one, because everyone likes pepperoni and cheese' he said gathering his papers and took the box of pizza with him. 'I'll be in the back office,' he winked at me. 'Behave.'

'Of course!' I said, laughing at my boss' comment.


I had only been alone in the bar for a few minutes when I heard the door open. My eyes were immediately drawn to the tall, lean boy walking towards me. His curly hair falling perfectly, bouncing a little with every step. He wore a black hooded jumper which was zipped up and skinny black jeans. Even through his clothes I could make out his defined muscles underneath.

'Hey there,' he said, smiling broadly, opening his arms, gesturing for a hug.

I stepped forward into the embrace and wrapped my arms around his waist as his held me strongly by the shoulder. He smelled fresh and clean. I picked up the scent of vanilla on his clothes. I never wanted him to let go of me. 

'I hope one of them has pepperoni,' he whispered into my ear, eyeing the boxes on the counter.

I sighed in relief, 'Of course, everyone likes pepperoni.' 


We sat chatting easily at the bar eating pizza, exchanging stories and laughter. I was more comfortable around Ashton now. I realized it was best to just be myself and stop worrying doing something stupid. After all, that just made me look like more of a fool.

'So let me get this straight,' I said to Ashton, laughing so hard now my tummy hurt. 'You have a 'My Little Pony' t-shirt?' I burst out into an uncontrollable fit.

'Yes, and it's fabulous,' Ashton said, exaggerating with over the top hand movements.

'Oh my god,' I said wiping away tears that were creeping out of my eyes. 'And you like wear it out of the house?' 

'Pfffffft, pfffft, no, pfffft,' Ashton shook his head, then winked at me. He raised the bottle of beer I had gotten him to his pale lips, they curved perfectly around it. 

I noticed after spending too long looking at his lips what I was doing. I prayed he hadn't realised.

'This is fun,' he said after we had calmed down. I raised my eyes to look at him, he was looking back. 'Just the two of us, talking, hanging out.' 

I smiled back at him, 'yeh, it's great.' I tried not to make it too obvious I was loving this. Ashton made me feel special. His laugh, his smile, his stare; they made me forget about everything else going on. It was like we were the only thing that mattered in the whole world.

'So you're not free at all for the rest of them weekend?' he asked, pouting his lip. 

'I'm afraid not,' I let my disappointment shine through, copying Ashton's expression. 

'Damn,' he sighed, looking at his bottle of beer. 'I guess we'll have to lock you away in our garage next Wednesday for band practice until half 7 again.' 

I was surprised, 'I'm invited back?' 

'Yeh, Jess it would be great, it's good having people to critic and advise.'

'But I didn't do anything last week!' I said, I was as useful as a broken pencil.

'Yeh but that's because you were just embarrassed after liking all of Calum's Facebook pictures,' he chuckled. I cringed at the thought of it. God, I thought this had been forgotten. 'Besides, it's nice to have a pretty face to look at. The boys are fine,' he joked, 'but no where near as beautiful as you are.'

I choked on the air I was breathing. Did Ashton just tell me I was pretty? That I was beautiful?

'But you have a pretty face!' I blurted out. Oh my god I was a disaster. 'I mean, you know, you're... eh... you're really...' I couldn't rescue myself. 'I'm sorry!' I buried my face in my hands. 

I could hear Ashton laugh and I imagined a goofy smile playing on his lips. 'You're cute Jess!' he rubbed my back gently and I felt him lean in closer to me. With his free hand he pulled my arms down, exposing my cheeks that were flushed. 

'Ashton I'm so lame, I'm not cute,' I giggled, his touch on my skin felt like an electric current was running through my limbs.

'Shh Jess you are,' he let go of my arm and held my face. He turned it towards him. He was only inches away from me. I took the opportunity to map his face. I noted every tiny detail. Every line on his forehead. Every freckle scattered randomly on his olive, smooth skin. His chin covered in stubble. I was in awe.

Then Ashton leaned towards me. My heart race speed up rapidly, I thought it would beat straight out of my tightening chest. My head went hot and began to spin. 

His lips meet mine. They were soft and gentle. They moved against mine, like they were dancing a Waltz. It was rhythmic and careful. His hand still held my face, his thumb rubbed my cheek. Everything inside me blew up into a crazy whirlpool of light and colours. I felt like I was flying. It was amazing.

Ashton pulled away, smiling. His thumb still caressing my face.

'I'm sorry my lips tasted like pepperoni,' I whispered, breathless.

'It's fine,' he giggles, leaning in to kiss the tip of my nose, 'everyone likes pepperoni.' 


I'm sorry but... THIS PART KILLED ME OH MY GOD!  

I hope any Ashton girl out there are ok haha please comment if you are still with us x

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