Part 4- Usual

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'So Jess, what's the plan for the weekend?' Gorge asked me, pulling out a chair opposite me in the coffee shop we usual went to. He sat down on it swiftly and unbuttoned his jacket, sliding out of it, making himself at home.

'Usual.' I said. Taking a sip from the black coffee I had ordered. 

'Jess,' he whinnied, kicking my foot under the table. 'We need to go out one night, do something. You,' he pointed a finger at me, 'need to relax.'

'I am relaxed!' I cried defensively. 'I'm relaxing right now.'

'No,' he shook his head, 'You are fueling your body with the strongest caffeinated drink available here to keep you awake for the next 8 hours.'

'Well this is how I relax!' I claimed, pulling out a note book from my bag to look over notes I had taken in class.

'See this isn't exactly chilling out, letting lose, is it? Cramming your head with coffee and information.' He tried to wrestle the book from me but I held onto it.

'Leave it Gorge,' I warned his sternly. He obliged. 

'Please, one night. Tomorrow night. Lets go out,' he begged again, 'Only for a few hours, a few drinks...'

'I don't want to drink.'

'You don't have to and if I vomit you wont be the one to clean it up like you normally do in the bar or at ho...'

My eyes shot up, disbelief and anger burning into his skull.

'Sorry,' he said after a while, 'You know I didn't...'

'It's fine.' I closed my book. 'I'm actually going to go home.' 

'Jess please, I didn't mean to bring that up...'

'No,' I said firmly, pulling myself up, cramming my notebook into my bag. 'Forget it, it's fine. I just have to go home. I'm gonna go to work early later, ask Barney if I can get the night off tomorrow.' 

'Really?' shock flooded his face, 'Jess that would be awesome! I know just the place we can go...'

'So do I,' I said, remembering the flyer I balled in my fist last night. 

Bareny had no problem giving me the night off. 

'You work too much anyway,' he'd said, 'live a little.' I ignored that over-used phrase. I just smiled and thanked him.

So that Saturday night I found myself outside a different bar, surrounded by different people. But I found myself searching for those same eyes. The ones I had seen just over a week ago. The ones I couldn't forget no matter how hard I tried.

'So what are they called, 5 Minutes of Summer..?'

'Seconds,' I corrected Gorge as we entered the bar. It felt strange approaching the setting from this side of the door. Normally I watched other people come and go as I stood in my space behind the bar. This side of the bar was crowded and filled with drunks. I preferred to be lost, alone in my own world behind the bar. 

I got us drinks, obviously I had my ID, and we settled for a table closer to the stage than I had hoped.

'And they're good?' Gorge asked, drinking the beer I had ordered for him. For a girl who never drank I knew a lot about alcohol. What was good, what wasn't. So on.

'Yeh they're... decent.' I said nodding my head. Honestly, my stomach was flipping, driven insane by the faintest thought of that boy. 

'Jess!' Someone called behind me. It caught both me and Gorge off guard. I turned to face Calum and Luke, walking towards us.

'Jess!' Calum repeated again, walking towards me, arms outstretched for a hug. He seemed like a touchy-feely kind of guy. It made me uncomfortable. 'You're here!'

'Jess?' Luke said under his breath 'I thought it was Tess?' Confusion twisted his face, causing me to giggle a little at his bewilderment.

'It's Jess,' I said, ignoring Calum's offer for a hug. 'Yeh, thanks for the flyer to remind me, I would have totally forgotten otherwise.'

Calum smiled at me. 'Flyer?'

'Yeh,' I nodded, 'the one you put in my pocket the other night?' It was evident from his face that he had no recollection. 'You know, the one that you wrote the note on?' I raised my eyebrow, hoping the description would arouse something in him.

'Ohhh yeh! Sure that flyer!' he said, itching the back of him neck. His muscular arms flexed with the simple movement, I couldn't help but notice that. 'Well, I'm just glad you're here.'

'We've been practicing so much,' Luke chimed, 'I took your advice Jess, I told the lads we had to mistake more and practice... no wait, practice more, mistake less... that was it right?'  I nodded my head, bit ting my tongue to stop myself from laughing. Luke's awkwardness was infectious. 

'So... Maybe we can meet up for a drink after?' Calum said, smiling still. 'We go on pretty shortly so...'

'Yeh sounds good,' I looked over at Gorge who I'd almost forgotten was there. He nodded in agreement. Delighted to expand his social group.

'Cool, see you later Jess.' Calum winked. Was he this open and flirtatious with everyone? 

'Bye!' Luke sang cheerfully,  giving me a little wave and he walked away. He was like a 7 year old boy trapped in a young adult's body.

I turned back to Gorge, smiling.

'He's cuuuuute,' Gorge said, gulping his drink.

'Gorge!' I said. 'I'm not sure they swing that way...'

'Nonsense!' he cried, flamboyantly, playing up his campness, '1 in 4 is gay in today's modern society. If there is four in the band one of them is gay. And who ever he is, he's mine!' He calmed him self down a little. 'That's how it works.'

'No it's not.' I burst out laughing. Gorge followed suit and before we knew it we had tears streaming down our faces.

Moments like this made the real world almost bearable. 


5 Seconds of Summer came out about 10 minutes later. I quickly identified Luke and Calum. Both playing guitar. Or was one of them playing base? I wasn't quite sure. We had great seats, I could see them all clearly. Maybe the lighting and smoke effects were just better here? Either way it gave me a chance to examine the other boys. There he was.

There he was. 

I looked at him, again feeling the same rush of panic, fear and desire I had noted the first time he looked in my eyes.

He scanned the crowd and held my gaze. He smiled back, I'm sure of it.

'Hello! We are 5 Seconds of Summer!' he cried from the stage. The whole crowd clapped and cheered, 'and we're not your usual pop-rock band.' Not once did his eyes break away from mine.

This wasn't a usual thing to feel, I thought to myself, but I liked it.


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