Part 22- Both Our Hearts Dancing

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'Mm-hh?' He had parked the car and was getting out.

'Where are we going?' I got out of the car wearily, and walked behind him. We stood at the gates of the park I had been in the night before with Michael. The huge gates stood before us, wide open. They were daunting.

'Well there's a nice little café in there, I think it's French,' Ashton said, taking my hand in his. He obviously couldn't see the look that was crippling my face. I was thankful he didn't notice. I felt like I was going to throw up.

'Oh really?' I put all my effort into sounding breezy.

'Yeh, it's really cute,' he chuckled, 'it was actually Michael who gave me the idea.'

'Oh?' That made it worse. I couldn't hide that I was rattled. 'Yeh?'

Ashton looked down at me now. He wore his glasses. I loved when he wore his glasses. They framed his eyes perfectly and some how managed to emphasis his dimples. He was quite simply the most perfect person I could ever have imagined.

'Yeh,' he said, squeezing my hand, 'he said it was cute and romantic. He better not have been lying! If he was and my princess is disappointed, I'm gonna kick his ass!' He laughed.

I laughed nervously too. Trying and failing to stay cool. 'Awesome, I love French... food... things.' The only French food I knew was snails and frog legs. I prayed to every God I knew it wouldn't serve that kind of food.

We walked, exploring various twisting and curling paths and eventually we came across the most adorable café I had ever seen. It was a low, long building with white walls. The roof was tiled in a terracotta shade, very Mediterranean. There was pink flowers crawling up the walls and there were a few wooden tables scattered outside.

'Oh Ashton it looks amazing!' I said, looking up at him then back to the gem that stood in front of us. 'It is so pretty!'

'Really? It's good... But it's only the second prettiest thing I can see.'

He leaned down and planted and gentle kiss on top of my head. We walked hand in hand into the little restaurant. Both our hearts dancing.


'So...' Ashton said, waving his fork in the air. He had crumbs of cake on his chin and I was laughing at him, 'what?'

'Nothing,' I lied through bursts of laughed.

'No, what is it?' he was really self conscious, covering his face with his hands. We had just enjoyed an amazing lunch and we had decided to share a piece of cake. The waiter that Ashton had been speaking to and joking with dropped it down to us, telling us it was on the house with a wink. He could wrap anyone around his finger with his boyish charm.

'Oh nothing, nothing, nothing,' I giggled.

He brushed his chin and watched the specks of cake fall off his face. 'Hey!' he cried.

I laughed even harder. He watched me, his eyes were gamy. He picked up some whipped cream on his fork and wiped it on my nose.

I gasped dramatically, 'Ashton how dare you?' I copied him and put a dollop on his check.

'Oh Jess you are gonna regret that!' He cut a small amount of cake off, gathered it on the fork and flicked it at me. It hit me just above the eyebrow.

I couldn't believe how childish he was being. 'Ashton!' I cried, bursting with laughter.

I tried to do the same but ended up missing Ashton and hit an old man sitting behind us. A stain formed on his cream shirt as the piece of cake began sliding down it, falling to the ground. I dropped the fork in shock so I could cover my mouth. Ashton almost choked on the piece he had in his mouth.

All eyes in the café were on the two hysterical teenagers, crying, having difficulties breathing. I felt young, I felt careless and I felt alive. All because of Ashton.

We calmed down after a while. I grabbed a napkin to wipe the tear that was trickling out of my eye. I wiped the cream and cake off my face. I leaned over the table to clean up Ashton, 'here let me get that.'

'Thanks,' he said, before I could move away he put more cream on my face. This time on my lips. 'Here, let me get that.'

He placed his lips on mine. Not cleaning up the mess effectively, but in the best way possible.


We left the café, still giggling.

He wrapped and arm around my shoulder and I put one around his waist.

'What do you want to do now, Princess?' he beamed. 'We could go for a walk, we could feed the ducks, we could...'

'Lets sit under this tree!' I pointed excitedly to an enormous tree. I began jumping up and down like a child would.

Ashton laughed and let go of me, 'I'll race you!' He took off running.

'Hey Ash! That's not fair you had a head start!' I ran after him, but it was pointless. He was far more athletic and taller than I was.

I reached the tree and he was already sitting down under it. 'You took your time!'

'Shut up,' I said falling down as I neared him. I landed in his arms and he held me close. I could have spent forever there.


I didn't get to spend forever there; but I spent a few hours. Occasionally shifting so Ashton's arm wouldn't go dead. We talked and talked about everything. I learned about him and his family; his brother Harry and sister Lauren. He asked about mine and I said I lived with my uncle and didn't elaborate. It was easy and comfortable. I loved it.

We were interrupted by Ashton's phone.

'Hello? Oh hey Luke... yup... yup... I'll be there in an hour. No problem, bye.' Ashton hung up and stretched.

'Ugh, we have to go,' Ashton said, moving slightly. I crawled out of his arms, freeing him so he could have more movement. 'I have to collect the guys before the show, and get the drums...' I cut Ashton off before he could say anything else.

I kissed his lips passionately, our tongues intertwining. I pushed him back so he was lying, leaning on the tree and I was on top of him. My hands were holding his face and his hands were running under my shirt on the small of my back. I felt it in my bones, all over my body. It was like an electric current running through me. Only Ashton could make me feel like this.

Only Ashton.

'Hey Jess, can I ask you something?' he pulled away.

I don't know why but I felt a sudden nervous swirl in my tummy, 'yeh?'

'Can I call you my girlfriend now?' he smirked at me.


Gahhhhhhhhhhhh ASh FEeLS YA YA YA

Oh and describing kisses are so gross cos it's like... tongues and mouths and they are germy sorry if I am killing the vib but yukkie.

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