Part 17- Would He?

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Ashton held my drooping body tightly. One hand was on my back, the other holding my head to his chest. I weaped into his bare chest for a long time. It was smooth and sculpted. He skin smelt warm and clean, inviting. My ear was pressed him and I could hear his heart beat steadily. Neither of us spoke because I don't think we could.

Eventually Ashton pried me away from his body. He kept one arm wrapped around my waist to support me and the other cupped my face, his thumb tracing circles into my checks. It neared the wound where the skin was still tender, causing me to flinch.

'Oh God Jess, I'm so sorry!' he apologised, withdrawing his hand from my face.

'It's ok,' my voice a faint whisper.

He looked at me again, my eyes were looking down at the ground, ashamed to be standing here looking like this.

'Come inside,' he opened the door behind me, pulling my lifeless body in with him.

He sat me on the sofa in the sitting room. I was numb to every sound and movement around me. I sat staring straight ahead, my eyes unable to focus om anything.

He came back, wearing a shirt, with a blanket in his hand. 'Lie down,' he ordered me.

I nodded me head, kicking off my shoes. I dragged my legs up onto the comfortable sofa so I could stretch out.

Ashton lifed my torso up and slid his body beneath mine. I was lying on his chest, listening to the soothing sound of his heart again. He put the blanket over us and then drapped his arm around my shoulder. I felt my heavy eyes closing and I could do nothing to try keep them open.

I wanted to say thank you to Ashton. I wanted to tell him how much this meant to me. There were no words, even if I could speak. He was the life running through my veins.

'Whatever happened,' he said faintly, 'it's ok. I'm here now, it's all ok.'

I fell asleep shortly with Ashton's lips pressed to the top of my crown.


I woke up confused and groggy. My back ached and I had a crick in my neck. Suddenly everything flooded back and I realized where I was. I moved causing Ashton to stir.

'Oh you're awake,' he smiled, yawning as he spoke. A gigantic smile came onto his face making me smile too.

'Yes I am,' I sat up, climbing off Ashton to stretch my arms. Ashton sat up too, immediately reaching for his phone.

'Crap,' he said, his eyes shot up to look at an antique clock that sat proudly on the mantelpiece. I looked too. It was six o'clock.

'Shit!' I said, my voice echoing his despair, 'I am going to be late for work!'

Ashton looked at me. 'Jess you are not going into work today,' he calmly stated, 'ring Barney and tell him you're sick.'

'I can't,' I was frantically pulling on my boots. 'I have to go.'

Ashton grabbed my arm, 'No Jess, you're not well enough.' He looked at me with pleading eyes. They triggered something in me.

I nodded my head and set down my shoes. 'Ok.' I took out my phone and texted Barney to let him know.

He smiled as his phone lit up in his hand, 'I told the boys I would pick them up at half four so we could practice at five.' He shook his head laughing to himself. 'I guess we're gonna be a little behind schedule!'

He tapped a message away onto his phone and sent it to all three boys explaining why he was late. He stood up and stretched, his chest broadening, putting the fabric that was already tight under even more pressure. I watched wonderstruck.

'Do you want to come with me when I pick up the boys?' Ashton said, offering me a hand up. I took it and he pulled me closer to him. His lips inches away from mine.

'Sure,' my attention completely on his lips hovering so close to mine, 'you can drop me home after you pick up Michael.' It felt weird talking about Michael with Ashton so near me. I hadn't want to see Michael today but I felt it was best if we got it out of the way, with all the other boys.

'Ok,' he chuckled, leaning in, pressing his lips to mine. It felt like he had just connected all the dots.


We sat together in the minivan he drove to transport the band and their equipment. Some of the seats in the back had been stripped out to make more room.

'The drums are the worst!' he laughed rolling his eyes, 'assembling and disassembling it is ridiculous!' 

I laughed with him, enjoying every precious moment being in his company. I felt more alive now than I ever had before.

We stopped by Luke's house first and then Calum's. They both were surprised to see me.

'What happened to your eye?' Luke asked, pointing to the cut.

'Oh I fell against the table yesterday! The floor was wet and I slipped,' I said, trying to laugh it off. From the corner of my eye I could see Ashton's jaw lock but he said nothing.

'Sorry I'm late,' Ashton said apologetically when they were both in the car. 'I fell asleep.' 

Luke nodded his head accepting it. Calum raised an eyebrow, 'You feel asleep with Jess?' I could hear he was smirking. 

'Nothing happened,' he said firmly, smiling still. 

'Don't worry,' Calum said, sitting back into his seat, resting his hands behind his head. 'I'll get all the gossip later.' He caught my eye in the rear view mirror and winked at me. 

We pulled up outside Michael's house and he stood outside with his guitar slung over his back. 

As we neared I saw a dark mark across his face. I felt sick to the stomach when I realized what it was; a bruise. Michael's face was painted various shades of purple and blue around his nose. It looked agonizing. 

'Oh shit!' Calum cried as he got into the car, 'oh shit! Michael Clifford what the hell happened to you?'

'Bar fight,' Michael said, his voice held no emotion. 'If you think this is bad you should see how badly I fuck up the other guy.'

I sat uncomfortably listening to the conversation.

'You should have put some ice on it,' Luke said, staring at the bruise in awe and disgust. 

'Didn't have any,' Michael said, growing tired of the topic, 'Ash can we go no?'

Ashton nodded his head, not saying a word.


It was a two minute drive from Michael's house to mine but it was the longest two minutes of my life. The silence in the car was unbearable.

'Where are we going?' Luke asked, only noticing now that they were going in a different direction that the usually go in.

'Just going to drop Jess home before...' Ashton began but he was cut short by Michael.

'She can't go home!' he blurted out. All eyes on the car shot to him, including Ashton's.

Oh my God, I thought, my nervous heart working overtime, he wouldn't say something to the boys about what happened, would he?


God damnit Mikey! Haha 

I haven't read over this so excuse mistakes.

Is it getting boring or is it ok? I don't want to rush the story too much, ya feel?

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