Part 12- Just One Kiss

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I had to wait almost a week before I could see Ashton after our kiss. It was as if I had been injected with a drug and the effects were still evident, racing through my veins. I was on a constant high, at a dizzying height.

That night in the bar we had spent only a few minutes alone after the kiss before we were interrupted by a sudden influx of men, most of whom still wore their work clothes, coming to drink their sorrows away. The bar was busy and I didn't have time to pay Ashton any attention. I looked at him apologetically as I pulled a drink for yet another depressed man who had no idea what direction his life was going in. Ashton smiled at me and just nodded his head, understanding.

Eventually he got bored or realized there was no chance of me having a quiet moment behind the bar on a Friday night. He waved at me as he stood up to go. I wanted to run over and wrap my arms around him. I wanted to beg him to stay here until I was finished work, tell him we could hang out more afterwards. I fought the temptation and raised my arm, waving back at him.

God, he was perfection.


I texted Gorge as soon as I was awake on Saturday morning that I news for him. I rolled over in my bed, for the first time in a long time I had woken up with a smile. I thought back to Ashton last night. Was it actually real? It felt like a dream.

It was the first time ever I had to check if it was reality and not just a fraction of my vivid imagination. 


The rest of my weekend flew by in an uneventful haze. I caught up on college projects and went to work. 

Gorge had replied to me later Saturday afternoon, not really interested in what I had to say. He told me Calum sent him the name of the bars they were playing in this weekend and had asked Gorge to go along to watch them. Gorge was delighted, he loved the idea that Calum had begged him to come along. I was in too good a mood to burst his bubble so I played along, letting him believe I thought Calum's feelings were mutual. Gorge asked me to come along, and I considered it. I was almost prepared to drop everything just to see Ashton. 

But something stopped me. It could have been common sense or maybe it was Michael's warning subconsciously playing in the back of my mind. Be careful.


 I told him on the bus on the way home on Monday. 

'Oh my God!' he cried, disbelief and excitement blowing up inside him. 'Jess! How could you not say something before! I mean, you, Ashton, kiss, thing...What is going on?' He yelled. He was even more extravagant than his usual camp self.

There was an old woman sitting a few rows a head of us, she had turned to see what was going on.

'Sorry Lady,' Gorge said fanning himself with his hand, 'boy drama.' He shock his head like he couldn't believe what was going on. I couldn't help but laugh.

Gorge turned to me after a while, 'So is Jashton a thing now?'

'Of course not!' I slapped him playfully on the arm, 'it was just one kiss!'

He chuckled, 'Well Jess, I told you he liked you did I not?'


Tonight was my only night off work. The only reason I didn't work on a Monday was because the bar closed. If it didn't, you could sure ad hell bet I would have been in there. Anything to get out of this bleak apartment.

I sat on my bed, flicking through notes from college. I always passed exams but only because I worked hard for my results. I wasn't one of those gifted people who just needed to look at something once and it was stored in my head forever.

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