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"I'm sure there's a way for this curse." She thought positively.

I shook my head no, "Believe me, I have tried. Like I told you before, I lost track of time already. I bet I don't even know how old I am now."

Now that I think about it, since I was on a loop, maybe I'm old now, like old old.

"A grandpa." I muttered to myself.

She stared into space. I knew because wrinkles and lines were on her forehead. I smiled, pulling her head to my lap and started massaging her temples.

"Ehh, what are you doing?" She looked up at me.

"What does it look like?" I rolled my eyes at her rhetorical question.

She rolled her eyes as well, letting me do it for her. She finally relaxed. "If this curse ends, does it mean you're going to go back to your time?"

"Like in fairy tales? I don't know." I stopped massaging her temples and rested my hands beside me.

She smiled to herself, "Isn't it funny? I never believed that all these magic stuff happens in real life."

"It sucks." I commented.

"But Yoongi? I'm going to help your way through this. I'm not going to disappear like I did before." She promised, holding my gaze. She was serious.

"I believe you."

"Do you remember anything that happened?" I suddenly changed the topic. "The time that the day keeps repeating, I mean."

"I'm sorry. I don't. Can you tell me what happened so far?"

Was she telling me to narrate everything that had happened? What the fuck, all those embarrassing cheesy things I did for her recently!

"Uhh," I put my hand on my nape nervously. "Well, we always hang out after school. Treating each other food and all that. At the end of the day, you always ask the daily question. Nothing much."

She smirked, "You're hiding some juicy details, Suga."

I pointed, "That is the nickname you gave me too."

Her eyes widened in surprise, "Omo, really? Is it because I said your skin is white as sugar?"

"Yeah." I smiled a little, careful not to show too much emotion.

She laid her hand on my cheek gently, "Why are you always holding back?"


"You're always hiding something from me. Like you're scared of me." The warmth of her hand was gone from my cheek. I wanted it to be there longer, but I can't.

I leaned back on the couch, staring at the ceiling to avoid eye contact with her. "I'm not hiding anything and I'm not scared of you."

"Then why are you being like this?"


"Because what?" She asked impatiently.

"Just because." I reasoned out to her, hoping she would drop the subject but she didn't. She was still annoying as ever.

"Yoongi, what else happened?"

"Nothing else." Her face became nearer and nearer to mine, slowly closing the distance between us.

"Don't hide from me..." The tone of her voice emitted so much loneliness and desparation for answers. She was still confused but I just can't be comfortable with her immediately. Time has moved again and I'm not used to it.

I glanced down to her face, not realizing our position on the sofa. She was sitting on my lap with her legs each placed on my side.

Too close.

"G..Get off." I told her, pushing her gently away from me. She seemed to realize about it and apologized.

I shrugged, "Nothing else happened. To be honest, I was getting used to this set up. I accepted that maybe I'll never die and live forever in this curse. To see you disappear everyday. I'm honestly not used to this."

She kept quiet.

"I lied."

My ears perked up and I jerked towards her quickly. "What did you say?"

"The kiss."


"I remember our kiss. At the basketball court."

"What the fuck? So what game are you playing now?" My fists balled in anger.

Her head was low, not looking at me.

"All this time, you were lying to me?"


I stood up from the sofa and pulled her harshly by the arm. "Get out."

"Yoongi, let me explain." She whimpered.

"All this time, you let me suffer. So who are you? You already died." My tone was cold that it made her scared of me.


"You're already dead." I slammed the door to her face.

For the first time in forever, I wished that she would ask that question again.

Wishing she would finally disappear.

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