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"Wake up." Someone tapped my shoulder, making me flinch.

If this was a dream, I won't wake up.

"Man, fucking wake up. I could smell the soju from outside your house. You didn't even lock your gate." It was a male voice. About my age.

I sat up, blinking my eyes open with a throbbing headache. The guy had light pink hair and he was a lot taller than me. So I couldn't call him little shit for waking me up from my precious sleep.

 So I couldn't call him little shit for waking me up from my precious sleep

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He gave me Advil for my headache and a glass of water. I drank it immediately. "Who the fuck are you? Why are you in my house?"

"Are you deaf or what? I told you that you didn't even close your gate. What if a serial killer enters and kills you?" He scratched his head in frustration.

I rolled my eyes and slumped back on the sofa, "I would gladly die then."

He smacked me on the forehead, "Don't say that. You sound like a fucking loner. Anyway, I'm Kim Seokjin. But just call me Jin." He went to the kitchen and brought back some breakfast for me.

"How dare you use my kitchen?" I said in bewilderment.

"Your welcome." He answered sarcastically, sitting beside me. "Pardon me for opening your wallet, Yoongi. I needed to buy groceries for you here. All of your cabinets are empty of edible food."

Of fucking course, he would open my wallet and see my name there.

I eyed him angrily, daring him to say one more word. His voice hurt my ears so early in the morning.

"Leave." I coldly said.

"Seriously, you're being this way? This person standing in front of you just helped you out of your hangover." This bamboo shit referred to himself.

I scoffed, when my eyes landed on a last bottle of soju and grabbed it. Since I was not fully sober, he took it away from me effortlessly. "Man, what the fuck? That was my soju. I paid for that!"

He shook his head, "I wouldn't want this neighborhood stinking because of you."

I got up from the sofa and gripped his shirt, growling, "If you don't get out of my house this instant, I don't know what else I might do to you."

We had a staring contest before he broke off from my hand and gave me a glare, "Fine, I'll leave. But tomorrow I'll be back when you're sober."


He pointed his finger at me, before closing the door and leaving me in peace. "I'll be back."

What a weird guy.




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