Chapter 1

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When the World Shatters,  

by Zatreaderperson1

"Even in the days of sorrow and sadness there is always happiness. As long as you wish to look for it" -Z

"Even when the world crumbles down around you, you need to be the one thing still standing, the one person still alive."-Z


My name is Talia. 

The now worst day of my life, occurred yesterday. 

My brother,  Gideon had died, he committed suicide. He took his own life away. Tossed it away like nothing more than a ripped plastic bag.  

I was an absolute trainwreck when I found out. I 100% still am. I feel broken like a fragile glass plate that had just been smashed. I feel like my whole world shattered. My world fell down around me and I felt and still feel the need to stay in my room forever. 

My brother was the one person who I loved and cared for.  The one person who understood me. He had been 2 years older than me. He was always happy and smiling when he was around and was always enthusiastic. He had been in High School and had been a pretty hard working  student.

 He was always there for me when I needed him and I was always there for him. But I don't know why he did it. He loved the world as it was and loved my dad and I, but why do it if he knew that he could have talked to us. He was smart enough to know that after we would be broken. But I feel like I should take part of the blame. I can't believe I hadn't noticed anything was wrong with him or that he was going through something. 

I acted like my life was completely fine, that there was nothing wrong at all. I never noticed any little change. My life seemed normal. And I just expected his was too. 

At the moment I'm sitting in my room on my bed, just thinking. After everything happened I just couldn't handle it, so I went to my room and just read for a bit, trying to lose myself in a book to escape my worries. It helps, but right after the pain of losing him hits me again and again.

That pain will never go away. The pain will never fade away. The scars might, but the pain won't. 

 I'm really lucky that there is no school at the moment as it's summer. Even though school is starting back up soon. Honestly his death practically ruined me. If I had to go school and cope with his passing, it would be a major struggle. But now I just have to learn how to regain my footing.

And find my real place in this world. 

With a piece of myself missing and forever gone.

A piece i'd never get again. 

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