Chapter 15

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Talia's outfit up there^^^ 


School starts today....yay?

To be completely honest I don't like school, I may be a good student. But I still don't like it. There's way to many people, to much gossip and I have no friends at the moment. 

Nobody really knows me, so all day i'm just going to be by myself. 


After getting ready in a grey sweater, black pants, uggs and a scarf, I through my hair up into a messy bun and put on some accessories. I may dress nice, but that doesn't mean people notice me. I'm not a nerd nor a bully, i'm a neutral.

I open the front door and walk out, later finding myself right in front of the high school. When I walk in I notice that there aren't too many familiar faces. 

After walking through the halls trying to get my locker, I bump into a guy and land on the floor. That guy, being the blondie who was in the diner the other day. And beside him were the other two guys. 

Blondie just looks at me while raven offers his hand to help me up, which I gladly took. I quickly say "thank you." and try to get out of that hallway asap. 

I'm not a fan of random situations, where they have no meaning. I mean like i'm just wasting my time. 

I get to my first class on time and I sit down in a seat near the back. 

And not even a minute later, the 3 boys walk in, all scattering into the three remaining seats. Two together and the one next to me. 

That one person who sits next to me is Raven. Once the teacher starts losing my interest, I just look around the room, I was watching the clock when Raven taps me on the shoulder.


 I look up at him and say "Yes?" 

"I was wondering if you had any friends?" He was being completely serious, really.

"I'm sorry, but what kind of question is that?" 

He just shrugged and answered, "You looked like you don't have a person you can rely on at the moment."

"Fine, no I don't have any close friends at the moment, why do you ask?" I was glaring at him now.

"You know you can't make friends if you keep glaring at people. But anyways, you can hang out with our group." He smiles at me after finishing. 

"I don't even know your 'group'. And why should I, i'm fully capable of going through high school without any close friends." I say, reluctant to actually know his so called 'group'. 

He just smirks at my expression, resembling 'why am I here?'.

 "Of course me, i'm Aiden if you didn't know. That over there," He gestures to the boy with the blonde hair. "Is Liam, and the one with the brown hair is Christopher."

"Talia." I say, trying not to just get up and walk away. I'm not the type of person to be social with many people, once I drop down my walls and open up then i'm fine. But because I don't know Aiden or his friends, I really don't want to associate myself with them. And they're the supposed bad boys. 

He just nods at me. He looks at me and then looks at Liam and Christopher. His expression isn't apparent and trying to read him is hard. He shows nothing, none of his emotions. 

And now that I think about it, I probably look the same. 


Sorry that it has taken me so long to post, i've been more focused on writing The light in the darkness, which is a book I am writing with one of my friends. It would be amazing if you checked it out, and our shared account is EZwrites313. As well as i've been busy with school, thank you so much for your understanding.

-Z <3

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