Chapter 19

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"Your brother never died."

What the heck is he talking about?

"I'm sorry, but what are you going on about?" I ask, a look of shock on my face, genuinely wondering both how he knew my brother, and what is going on. 

"This is going to be a long story, so sit down and um, get comfortable." He says gesturing to the bed. Which I take a seat on and wait, listening. 

"Everything you ever knew was a lie. I'm sorry to say this, but all of it is. Your brother never died. He's well he's alive-" 

"Ya right, you're lying, just stop lying about it all!" I quickly exclaim. Still quite shocked from his words, I didn't even try to say anything, it just came out. 

"Just... Let me explain okay?" I nod, and become silent. 

"Your brother, Gideon isn't dead. And well, he's not your brother, either. So i've been part of this group, as I call it, for a long time. And well we've made major changes to your life that you weren't aware of.  This is a story from others, that i've heard a couple times and that I have been there to witness as well."

I'm quite in shock so I just nod my head, preparing myself for the rest. Playing it off like I want to hear the rest. But really, I just wanted to not know. My heart was beating fast, and I was so curious. So I let him continue.

"You were about 12, and you got beaten by the agency. What you didn't know, and still don't know is that you're a really big person in this line of work. The people you grew up with aren't your real family. You're actually the daughter of the infamous Daniel Fields, the leader of the Northwest gangs. 

After he randomly left and was never to be found, everyone went looking for you. If someone could find you, and try to get whatever information they could get out of you, they'd get a huge reward. Your mother was also very involved with everything, she knew about it all and no one even knew she was your mom. She was an undercover spy, working to resolve others problems, without them knowing. 

Your family was very high up in this business, making you involved. But when your dad randomly left, you found out about all of this. And of course you didn't know what to do with yourself. Your mom being so devastated about him leaving, went on a trip for a little while. And left you with one of your dads friends, who worked for the agency. 

What she didn't know was that they wanted your families money and place on the hierarchy. They took you and beat you to try and get information about, well anything really, but especially this one book. The book where your father wrote about every single deal he made in his life. But you didn't know anything about this whole thing, and had only just really found about it a couple days ago. 

One of our old members had been a spy inside their base. Pretending to work with them, while actually just getting more information for us. He walked into the basement and saw you body. Broken. A 12 year old girl, broken upon repair.

He took you to the hospital, where you were found to have a concussion, which also lead to you losing all your memories. 

Which they used to their advantage, they faked a whole life, your brother, your dad. Except for your mom, your mom came back and worked with us. As she has been working with us for the past couple years. And when your mom left you, it was because she couldn't handle faking a whole life with you, when everything she made for your childhood had been forgotten. 

So when you thought she had divorced your dad she really just came back to live here, and work. 

Your brother isn't Gideon it's actually... well me. We had to get someone to work for us, and be your brother. And the whole suicide had been planted, we knew you would find the book which is why we had him write in it a lot. When you were 16 we would have him fake it, and we'd make it seem real.  

Another thing is, me. It shouldn't have been you who they were looking for,  it should have been me. But when our parents had me, they kept me a secret as I was a male. Being a male meant I would be the next 'in line'. Once they found out the gender of their first child, they went into hiding. And after having their daughter, they thought it would be okay to let you live your life. 

But the day you forgot everything, I lost my sister. The one person I actually cared about.

My parents didn't care about me, not when they were more focused on keeping me hidden. They showed their love all to you, as they knew you wouldn't be taken from them. But even though I didn't really have them, I had you. 

My darling sister. But then everything happened.

Then, I lost you too. 

I know your world fell apart. But mine did too.

And I can't lose you again.


I would have made this chapter longer, but I just didn't know how to portray certain things. I've had countless ideas, which includes some foreshadowing that has already been done. But a lot of ideas have been scrapped and thrown out the window. 

I would have gotten this chapter up earlier, but I was really busy and I just wasn't proud of my chapters lately. To people that celebrate Christmas, I hope you had an amazing Christmas, with your family, friends, food and fun. 

And of course, a happy new year to all of you! I hope that whether 2018 was good or bad, that you have an awesome 2019, with new beginnings. Leaving or keeping friends. Or even finding who you really are.  

Zatreaderperson <3

Follow my insta, for more info about me, and book related posts.

-Insta: akame_murasame_2007-

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