Chapter 2

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I decided that I should get out and should take a walk, get some fresh air.

I was sitting on a bench in the park when Faerah walked toward me and sat down. I've known her for over 4 years and she and I have always been the best of friends. She has always been there for me when I need her.

But I didn't tell her about my brother yet. And I was scared to.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asks

"I just... M-my brother d-d-died yesterday Faerah, and I don't know what to do!" I answered as I started crying

"Oh my goodness I-I'm so sorry for your loss" she said as she pulled me into a hug. It felt good to be comforted by someone especially as my dad has been in mourning and hasn't spoken to me since Gideon died.

"What happened?"

"He commited suicide!" I said through sobs

"You can get through this and I'll help you through it, I'll be there every step of the way" she reluctantly said as I held her closer. I hadn't realized that I was longing to talk to someone and discuss this certain subject.

"Thank you for staying with me while I look like a mess and act like one. I just don't know what to do now" I look to her and she smiles slightly.

"You will get through this no matter what"

After a while we got up and Faerah lead me to the ice cream store a couple blocks away.

" Don't worry it's on me" She said after I gave her the I'm not paying for that face.

We grabbed some ice cream and walked back to our usual bench. This is the one bench that is different than the others, it is old and battered but we love it. Anytime we're sad or angry we will sit at this bench. It's like our safe space.

After my mom left I never thought I could feel the pain I did that day she left to Los Angeles. But I did, the pain in realizing my brother was dead this morning was crucial. It felt like someone had just shot an arrow through my heart. And I didn't know if I was going to survive.

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