Chapter 21 ~the end~

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It is finally time to say goodbye to when the world shatters, and i'm so sorry to do this. This story gets zero reads, and I honestly have lost all faith in my writing. So it is time to say goodbye, and leave it. In all honesty I don't want to leave it. I've put a lot of effort and time into this story, and I can't help but to feel sad that it's over. It was unexpected for me to put this to an end, but it must be done, for the fact that it gets zero attention from both me and my readers. It is a definite bittersweet moment. And this honestly wasn't the way I wanted to end it. I had so much more I wanted to write, but after neglecting it and not doing much for it, it's time to leave it and move on. I'll miss it dearly, but it's time. 

Maybe in some time I'll come back and rewrite this story because I'd honestly love to do so. A lot of things have changed since I've written this and a totals span of 3 years have past by in a flash, and I all but tear up whenever I see this story. 

Update: I didn't have the heart to finish this chapter, I'm sorry. But have what's left. This has been an amazing journey and I couldn't have wished for something better. 

~2 months after chapter 19~

My head was searing with pain as I walked through the front entrance of Aiden's house. Following closely behind him as he made long strides to his room. 

We finally got to his room and he gestured for me to sit on the bed. I do so without a sound, the throbbing noise in my head getting vigorously louder and more prominent. 

The memories were coming back and I couldn't do anything to stop them, the loud pains in my head were stopping me from moving or saying anything. And all I could do was sit there on the bed, with my head in my hands. 

Aiden, sitting across from me. Slowly removed my hands from my head, placing them in his own. 

"Hey, Tal? There's a lot of things you don't remember, and we both know it. And I want to make sure you want to remember." 

I very slightly nod and whisper, "I want to know, but it just hurts." 

He gives me a understanding look. 

"I know Talia, it was the same way for me. But, I remembered it all when I woke up. You're different. You didn't seem to remember anything until now. And it's been ages." Aiden's eyes gloss over as he looks at me. "I never thought you would remember, and i'm scared that you don't want the full story. Then again, I don't know the full story. Only you do." 

"I-I think that it's going to take a while to remember, I know a small piece as to why my brother's... g-gone," I let out a wince as I grasp at the sudden painful memory. "t-t-that you and I. We were involved."

He nods and holds my hands tightly, giving them a reassuring squeeze in response. 

"T-that my mother. She was the main cause of all this-no, his pain."

"Stop, just don't. Talia, you're hurting yourself by trying to remember. By pushing the memories onto yourself, when you're not fully stable. Com'on, we're going to get snacks and watch a movie." 

Giving him a thankful look, he helps me stand and we walk out of the room together.

As the 2 months had gone by, Aiden and I had gotten fairly close. We became close friends, even without knowing about our past together. And it seems that it was the cause of why the memories were suddenly coming back. Why all the pieces were coming together to make it's puzzle.

It all started a couple days ago, where my vision would blur into pictures and videos played across my mind. All way too familiar for my absent mind. All way too real for me.

Slowly, it began to weave itself into a fuller picture, making its way to the centre of my brain, to create the entire picture.

Something that was way more then what I had thought my everyday life was, before Gideon's death.

It seemed that I was a cause of my own pain. Not someone else.


"Hello Talia."

"Hello Audrey."

"Cold as always I see."

"I'm only being cold because you're here."

"So it seems you remember, am I correct?"

"Oh I remember. I really do. So now explain to me. Why you left the moment I woke up."

I was sitting across from my mother, seated in a cafe, with nothing more than a small latte in my hands and a cold glare on my face.

"You didn't deserve to remember, or get your memories back so soon. Especially not by seeing me. The memories would hurt, I know it. You did your job, you didn't get what you were promised, and I didn't want you to remember that. You didn't need to."

"That shouldn't have been your choice in the end."


This is the end. Thank you loves', I appreciate you all with everything I am. Please keep smiling <3

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