Chapter 20

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You know, finding out that the life you've always known has been a lie this entire time, isn't very easy to take in. 

My eyes were filled with tears, and my hands were shaking. I look at Aiden right in the eyes as he was about to leave the room and say, "I would be sorry for you, but I know a person wouldn't just want the sympathy of another person taken away from them, not someone ripped from their future." 

And that was the thing. There wasn't a way I could help him. Not without fixing myself. 

I just learned my own father and brother weren't even my real father and brother! 

Yet imposters. Trying to create a whole new fantasy. Only to plan to break me once more. 

My tears were blurring my vision and I honestly couldn't take any of it in. Not really. I was just told the past I knew was made up, and all some kind of dream. That this random guy I met, had ended up being my real brother. 

It was hard to know that I was my brothers burden to carry. That Aiden had to go through what he did. That he lost his whole family to a gang. Just to go back and work for them in the end. Not even just work, but to help guide and lead it. 

And that's what I didn't understand. Why go and help the thing that broke apart your glass divider?

Was it to be freed and leave for your own comfort and space? Or was it to see the world better? Or was it to come to the conclusion that your family was actually gone... For good?

My dad, my real blood related dad has disappeared. My mom left and never came back. My real brother is this person I cannot even remember. The boy that I thought was my brother, was a fake. My best friend, the only person I could rely on, left me stranded. 

Everything in my life was being ripped apart from me. Everything. I haven't had one person who's been here for me, my whole life. There wasn't one person I could trust at the moment. 

Everything in my life is so fake. 

I didn't even know what was real and what was fake anymore.

Sure Aiden's story sounded pretty damn legit. But can I really believe him? 

Who am I supposed to freaking trust!?!?! 

That was the one question that wasn't going to be solved for a long while. And most likely wouldn't ever be solved.

The puzzle of my life had been scattered across the world. Never to be seen or found again. 

Same as my broken glass heart. Everything fragile that signified my life had been broken, shattered and destroyed. 

How was I even supposed to go on with my life?

In the end, I had been tossed away. Completely thrown aside. And without somewhere to go.

I don't know what to do now. What am I supposed to do? I can't live like this. Living in Christopher's house. A person I literally like just met and know nothing about.

But there is no one. No one. Left for me. So this is my only option. To stay in someone else's house. Living in agony. Not knowing what will become of me. Unable to live a regular life. Not knowing what to do next. Not ready for what's ahead. 

I would run and live a whole new life. But I can't do that to Aiden. Not now. 

I can't let someone else's life be ruined or broken more than it already was. Not when I can try to repair what was destroyed. I may not be able to help myself, but I will help him.  

My eyes were brimmed with tears now. There were tears dripping onto my pants as I sat with my head slightly lowered. If someone were to walk in, they would see a girl. 

Broken upon repair. Torn and in fragments.  

But what I really was afraid of. Was letting someone else into my life. 

Just to have the person be stolen away from me. Right out of my reach. Just like every other person I had loved, or had meant something in my life. 

That's when I decided that I didn't want to just sit on the floor sobbing to myself. So I got up, wiped my tears away. Even though I still probably looked like a mess. 

Stood up, walked to the door and opened it. I had only really looked around the house once. And it wasn't a very thorough search. 

As I walk through the narrow yet long hallways, I head downstairs randomly. Down the crazy beautiful, large marble stairs. Not knowing where I was headed. And I was perfectly fine with that. 

But as I was going down the stair a man walks up. Looking in his mid thirties. He looks at me and asks, "You're Talia aren't you?"

I freeze and quietly respond with, "What business do you have with me? And how do you know of me?"

He just looks at my puffy eyes and red cheeks and says, "I know everything. I was a really close friend of your father. I'm also your godfather."

That's when I broke down. 

I remember him. I actually remember him! He was the person haunting my dreams. Telling me to keep on going. It wasn't until now that I got everything flooding back to me. 

The memories him and I shared. The laughter. The fun.

He was like my replacement dad when dad wasn't home. I guess my concussion didn't cut off every single one of my memories.

I had some dreams with him in them. I just assumed they were random. And he was just some random person out there. 

But that wasn't it. 

At the moment I was both crying of sadness and of the happiness that I remembered him. 

There was still one peice of my past left here with me, at least someone I remember. Even if it's just a little bit. Even if it's the slightest memory

I and everyone else may have thought I lost all my memories. But now that I look at my godfather, a man from my past. It made me realize that maybe forgetting everything was bad, yet remembering what is going to make my life better after forgetting, will make it good.

He takes one look at my face and starts crying as well. At this point I was sobbing of joy, too. 

"You remember me don't you?" he asks trying to catch his breath. He looks on the verge of tears as I nod at him

I end up lying on the floor of the stairs splayed out and breathing heavily. He then recovers and grins a bit, his dark brown eyes go bright. His blue, black curly hair is disheveled from his running his hands through his hair. 

But at that moment I realized, maybe I could start over. Or I could even live through it.

But no, i'm going to fight for what i've lost and try to get back on my feet once more.

Even though I had been torn, and can't be repaired. That didn't matter.

I still had a spark of hope, pushing me to rewrite my new future. A better one. 

With a million different possibilities. 

Where every single  possibility was endless. 


So I might start rewriting some of my old chapters, and if I do.  It'll be okay if you don't read them again. As it might just be some editing and touch ups. As my first chapters were very much, just horrible. So be aware for some updating of old chapters, coming soon.


Z <3

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