Chapter 17

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This is the beginning of the alternate ending. Skip to the 'important notice' chapter before reading this. There has been a big change. That being an alternate story. So this is just the beginning of that storyline. 

___If not reading this just ignore the next 3 chapters thanks___


There was ink spilled on the ground. A vase smashed. Jar of candies knocked over. Papers ripped and scattered about the floor. Pictures shattered.


The house was in shambles. 

I walk into my house after a normal day at school and I see everything a mess. 

Everything i've learned to love was broken. Every little thing in our house was gone.


Walls were broken through. Windows were shattered. 

I'm standing in the kitchen doorway gaping at what is left in front of me. 

My father's body. Limp. Bleeding. 

That's when my vision blurred and all I see is darkness. 


I wake up to see a off white ceiling and a beautiful looking bedroom. Everything inside was simple and very delicate. 

I quickly get out of the bed and stand which causes my head to spin. It makes me wobble and put my hand on the wall to steady myself. My head is throbbing and my heart is pounding straight into my head.

I put my hand on my head, and when I lift it my hand has my dark red blood on it.

Ignoring the blood, I head straight for the door but as i'm about to open it someone else opens it. 

Someone I know. 


He looks at me and looks quietly surprised. 

"I didn't know you were awa-" he starts

I cut him off by loudly asking, "Where the heck am I?!?!? Why am I here? Where is my dad? What even happened to me!?!" 

He sighs and tells me to take a seat so he can explain. I go and sit back on the bed, and am thankful for him asking me to do so, as I was getting to dizzy and was trying hard to support myself. 

That's when he explains why i'm here. It was all because after everything happened, someone must have got to my father and harmed him. Upon seeing it I had blacked out. Aiden happened to walk by my house and notice that the windows were shattered and the front of the house was looking quite torn. 

So he called the police they took my dad and he is now in the hospital, but Aiden took it into his own hands to just watch over me as I wasn't in any bad condition. 

Of course I am beyond worried. My dad being in the hospital, and what happened to our house, I was most definitely scared about what would happen next. If all these bad things just lead to even more, but worse. 

At the moment I was in Christopher's home in one of his many guest rooms. He was more wealthy, but humble about it. Which meant that he isn't rude about it, or uses it against people. 

Aiden looks like he needs to say something so I look at him expectedly. 

All he says is "You're not ready. Not yet." and with that, he gets up and walks straight out of the room. 

I'm left alone with these thoughts of what could happen next or what has happened to my home. Or what is even left there. If there is anything left. 

I was bored out of my mind then. Ready to have a breakdown. 

Too much has happened this past month or so and I was so torn from it all. Broken pieces were scattered across this world, ready to be picked up. Just to not be able to put them back together again. 

My mom had told me "You will come far in this world, no matter what gets in your way." 

Now everytime I look back on it.

All I want is things to be that simple.

That easy to do things so hard.

To live my life like most people.

To be a normal girl, in this normal world.

Without a disruption. 

No more death.

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