Chapter 9

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We sat there silently for over 20 minutes, until Faerah got a text from her mom telling her to get home and pack. I watch her leave and I go onto my phone and start reading a book that I downloaded a couple days ago, calming me in every way. And when I finally took in everything she said, I got up and walked home.

It was a short and peaceful walk. Something to calm me after everything that happened. The wind was cool against my skin and the sun bright against the sky. It was the perfect temperature for a day like this.

I was still feeling so sad about Faerah, so I took the long way home. That's when I realized I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, so I decided to jog to the nearest corner store and grab some snacks for myself.

Afterward, I headed home, the air turning cooler.

When I walked up my front steps and into the house I saw my dad, he was on the phone, very frustrated and angry. I knew I shouldn't bother him so I quietly walked up the stairs into my room. It was about 6 pm, which meant that I had a lot of time to waste until I had to sleep.

I was so tired but so energetic, after everything that had happened I was tired from all the bad things happening, but I was energetic as being outside did that to me.

I was just lying in my bed when a piece of paper fell out of my pocket, It was wrinkled and torn and when I opened it bright numbers stared at me. Dark black writing, the boy's number from the park. I looked at it and starting thinking maybe I could make a friend. I was debating whether to actually use it or to throw it away when my dad walked in. I quickly stuffed it in my pocket so my dad wouldn't question it.

He was holding his phone in his right hand, clenching and unclenching his left. He looked stressed, with bags under his eyes. He looked so tired I just wanted him to take a break sometime.

"I just got a call from my work... they're closing down and unless the staff and I could get enough money to save it, the shop is going to close down." he said not quite meeting my eyes.

He works in a small shop down the street. They sell art prints, art and other art supplies. And now they were closing down. That store was the biggest support me and my dad had. I didn't have a job so I didn't make us any money.

Now I need to find a way to save the art store or find a job.

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