Chapter 13

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Your going to notice I changed the said to says. I keep changing to past and present tense and I am trying to stick with one but it just keeps happening. So sorry. I didn't really edit this so ignore the mistakes

Read and Enjoy! 



I looked up from the floor to see Cole looking straight at me. Intense blue eyes stare straight into my soul. 

"Oh um hey" I respond. He gestures for me to sit, so I do right in front of him. 

He's wearing a white t-shirt that is slightly see through and a green flannel that was unbuttoned on top. He has a small smirk on his face as he looks at me. 

"I'm going to grab something and i'll be right back. Would you like anything?" He asks as he starts to get up from the table. 

"Sure, i'll take a caramel macchiato please." I try to hand him a 5 dollar bill, but he refuses and goes to order our drinks. 

When he comes back with what we ordered and he places my drink in front of me.

"Thanks" I smile. 

He just sits down and takes a sip of his drink. 

"How about we play 20 questions?" He asks after a moment.

"Why not" I reply

"Okay well, what's your favourite colour?" He looks at me while taking a bite of a cookie.



" I guess," he responds after thinking for a little. "What school do you go to?"

"Tereview high, you?"

"Same, I haven't seen you there before" I said wondering why I haven't.

"I've seen you around. I don't know if you remember but I used to hang out alot with your best friends brother, Isaac" He says. 

"That was you?" I question.  Faerah always said that her brother was busy when I came over, but she never said with what or with who.

Isaac is Faerah's older brother, by 2 years. So he's 19.

"Yah, that's why I've seen you around. I used to see you and Faerah walk to the park when I would go home and i've seen you around school."

"Huh I never knew" I say trying to recall if i've seen him before.

"But sadly Faerah is moving. Isaac was supposed to, but now he's staying. He's going to a college near here and is getting an apartment to stay in." 

I didn't know. So Faerah had to leave but Isaac didn't. Just remembering that Faerah was going to be gone for practically ever was starting to create a hole in my heart. She's my best friend since forever and being without her hurts. 

She's practically my only friend. The one person who I sit with during lunch in the cafeteria. The one person who helps me with my problems. And the one person I thought was going to help me through this. 

Another boy with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes walk in. He walks into the cafe and nods at Cole having a silent eye conversation leaving me confused. The boy gestures to the front door. 

Cole gives me a 'give me a sec' look and heads out. 

Cole and his friend--or at least I think--are talking to each other both making hand movements. 

When they are finished Cole heads back into the cafe with a small grin on his face and his friend gets into his car after looking back at the cafe one more time.

Cole slides into the seat across mine saying, "Sorry about that"

"Oh, it's fine" I reply, giving him a small smile. 

We spend the next half hour just talking to each other about highschool and little things about ourselves. Until he had to go, and then we say our goodbyes. 

Once he leaves I finish my coffee and head out of the cafe. It was about 11:30. So it was too early to go to the diner and start my shift. Meaning, I had some extra time to do whatever I wanted. 

I decided on just heading to the library to read for a while until I had to start my shift. 

Once I get to the library I head straight to the fantasy section. My favourite genre has always been Fantasy, just because I loved to be introduced to a whole new world. To start from square 1 and just become one with a new world. 

I used to really like contemporary but after my mother left I really didn't want to read about our own world when I could read about a whole new one. 

Whether in books or in reality our earth is still earth, and is always the same no matter what. 

The world is the same as the one i'm living in and when I read all I want is to escape it. 

I just want to escape reality and never come back. 

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