Chapter 10

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Slightly longer chapter I guess?


It hurt to know that money was going to be hard to obtain. And of course I learn this right after I thought things couldn't get any worse.

My life was horrible, I hate it. I always wanted a better life, one where I have a family that sticks together and friends who always stay. I just wanted more people to stay in my life and I knew that the life I wanted was never going to be my reality.

After my dad and I talked he slowly made his way to the door but stopped with his hand on the door knob and said "I'm sorry"

What was he sorry for? Before I could ask he quickly walked out. He left me with just my thoughts and my worries. Thinking about today and all my problems I slowly drifted off to sleep


I was backed up against a wall in an alley that was pitch black. A man slowly walked up to me with long strides. I tried to back away but I was met with a brick wall on every side of me, preventing my escape.

The man grabbed me and shoved me to the ground causing me to gasp. He looked me in the eye and I screamed "Help! P-please a-a-anyone please!"

"Shut your mouth," the man yelled "You deserve this! Your brother hasn't repaid me, he broke a deal and tried to get me killed. Now it's your turn! Let's see how he feels when you're on the brink of death"

He then gagged me and continued throwing punches and hurting me in anyway he could. After a certain amount of punches and hits my body was numb and I couldn't really feel the pain anymore. Now I was just hoping someone could come and help me but before I could the man hit me with a rock. And I could feel blood run down my face and my vision turn blurrier than it already was.

The man took a glance back at me and walked away leaving me hurt and damaged in so many ways. Both physically and emotionally. But all I could think was thank god i'm still alive, maybe not for long but I am for now.


I woke up gasping for air, tears coating my face. I looked around remembering where I was and that I was safe. I'm fine, i'm in my room, nowhere else.

I thought that wouldn't get that dream for a long time but I was wrong. I always acted like nothing happened. I kept trying to put that day aside and I did. It's been a full 4 months since i've had this dream and had thought about it. But now it's back

Everything happened last year when a man attacked me screaming at me about things my brother did and that I had to repay him. After the man left I was way to weak to move even an inch as well as my body was too numb, and definitely way to weak to call for help not after he pounded my head with a rock.

The last thing I remembered was my brother running into the alley and whispering "You can't leave me"

The next day I woke up in a hospital bed, with all my wounds cleaned up and fixed. My brother had called 911 and had gotten me taken to the hospital.

When I woke up my dad and brother were there waiting for me to wake up. When my dad left for work I had asked my brother about what the man had said and Gideon had just told me to rest.

And ever since that day whenever I asked my brother about what the man said he would always change the subject and not answer. Really it didn't bother me weirdly enough as long as both him and I were safe. That we were safe at the moment and nobody could hurt him or me again.

My dad had asked many questions about the attack and I had told him everything except the parts about Gideon. Gideon was so keen on keeping what had happened a secret, I didn't want Gideon to be in major trouble or be hurt because of it, so I never told my dad.

After that day Gideon had acted kind of different, he acted way more protective and angry at the world. But now that I think about it, I don't think that Gideon's death was fully explained in his journal.

No, I have a feeling that his death is related to the attack and what the man was saying about him. And that the dream was some sort of sign.

Now I am going to get to the bottom of his death and find out the real reason why.

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