Chapter 19

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"Oh, hello. Good morning...?"

I just nod my head and give a small smile to Aiden as I walk by. This had become a routine. It's been around 2 weeks, and I kind of just started to get used to my boring, sad life style.

It was the same everyday. Wake up, go to school, suffer at school, go home, sleep, repeat. And on some days, i'd go to work. At this point the only person I really talked to at school was Aiden. Over the weeks we'd gotten used to the routine of sharing small and quick greetings, right before starting our classes and going on with our day.

The beginning of the school year already seemed to be going really slow. My grades were average, I was like any other highschooler. Except for the fact that I never held my head up anywhere I went or ever liked to show my face.

Keeping my hood down I walked to my first class. Sneaking quick glances at the bodies walking by me, rushing to their class.

Everyone knew me here. They didn't like to show it. But oh they did. I was the girl whos brother killed himself. It wasn't like people came to give me their condolences. It was so they could look at the broken pieces of a girl on the verge of disappearing.

Surprising isn't it? To think that one person's whole life could be destroyed with the mistakes of another.

Finally getting to my first class, I sit down, hood still covering most of my face. As the lesson goes on I feel eyes burning into my back. I didn't want to see who it was, but curiosity got the best of me.

It was a girl. She had short black hair with bangs, brown eyes, a lilac sweatshirt on, black jeans and seemed about 5'3. Though it was kind of hard to tell given, that she was sitting down. Upon our eyes meeting, her eyes quickly flitted elsewhere.

That's a bit strange. I hadn't really noticed her before. My class wasn't huge. But it wasn't entirely hard to identify most people in the class. Tugging my hood farther down my face, I turn around and continue to listen to the professor's voice drone on.

And the class ends. Thank the lord. As i'm walking out into the hallway, the girl who was staring at me earlier stops me.

"Hey... Uhm. Are you Talia perhaps?" She asks. Stopping me in my tracks.

"Hi, I am indeed Talia, yes." I respond, still confused though about this sudden encounter.

"I'm so sorry to bother you. But i'm a new transfer here, and I also happen to be the sister of one of your brothers old friends." She says quietly but quickly.

Now that statement, caused me to pause on the spot. This might change a couple of things.

But I didn't have the time to contemplate on what I should've said next, when my alarm goes off telling me I should be heading to my next class right this second.

"I'm sorry, but i'm going to be late. Uh here just, i'll give you my number." I say as I write my number on a random sticky note from inside my binder, that I was holding at the time.

After I just quickly head to my next class, my brain still not being able to really decipher what information I could get out of just knowing this girl.

She seems nice enough, and she seems like she wants to help. She also just radiated some sort of. I don't know, brightness? She just gave me that really light feeling. The kind that told me she was a person who wouldn't let you down. She may not know it yet. But she might just be the big clue I needed all along.

Oh great, I didn't even ask her name. How polite of me. That definitely shows how much I cared...


Walking home today it seemed that today's events, weren't apart of the usual routine. Today was well... Different.

Today, after school I walked home. As I walk a light breeze blows my hair, making it lightly flutter around me. Slowly falling back down onto my back.

The outdoors were peaceful, it seemed that whenever I got to be outside alone, I enjoyed it. 

As I made my way home someone tapped me on the shoulder. Quickly turning around, I made a slightly exasperated noise. Not really expecting to get a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey, sorry to scare you like that." Turns out, it was just Aiden.

"Uh it's fine...? Sorry is there something you need or..?" I ask not quite meeting his eyes.

He just blinks.

"Oh, I just wanted to uh. Walk home with you? If that's okay with you that is. You know? I'm sorry if i'm bothering you, I should just lea-"

"Oh no. No, no that's, it's fine." I answer turning away and continuing to walk.

We just walk in silence. It was nice though. To have another person presence beside my own as I walked along. Walking home with him, just felt so right. It felt so usual.

Like a whisper of a memory not fully there.


~Should I even continue this book? I feel like I haven't been spending anytime on it, and the chapters are messy and the plot is non-existent. It'd be surprising to know that anyone is actually still reading this. I honestly feel terrible that this story is getting so little attention, and that it's really getting nowhere. So we'll see how it goes, I probably won't really be updating often. I hope you all understand, i'll update you if I do discontinue this. It also might just be on a hiatus for a while, i'm so sorry.

If you want to read a romance story that I actually work on daily, i'd recommend reading 'Nothing Before you' which is a Yoonmin fic.~


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