Chapter 4

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 5 minutes later I got up and went to my bedroom. I sat on my twin sized bed with the plain lavender coloured sheets. I loved my room, with the pale colours and the cute posters. But it felt so empty without my brother. And it hurt to go into his room but I pulled through and went inside. 

His room colour theme was blue. His favourite colour was blue so he got everything in his room blue his sheets, blankets, lamp, shelves, cabinet and walls. Except for the white accents all over the room. 

I felt weird inside as I felt like I was invading his space. But amongst that feeling I just kept replaying the day I found out. It keep coming back to me, the police explaining his death. It hurt so much to think about, to know he was actually gone and wouldn't come back. 

I remembered he always carried around this notebook that looked like a mini backpack but was a notebook. I always asked about it and he would say that it wasn't important. But what if it was important? 

I searched his room, going through all his drawers and shelves but I couldn't find anything. Until I came upon a box, I tried opening it but it was locked there was a padlock on it which was a 5 letter word. After a moment of thinking I remembered something, Gideon's whiteboard had a word on it THINK I thought it was just there to remind him of something but I tried it on the lock and it worked. I opened the box and inside was the notebook, I unlatched the hooks and opened it. I started reading it and realized it was a diary. And maybe I thought, that there was an explanation on his death.

Entry 1

Hello, if you are reading this you have found my notebook and who knows I might be gone by the time you see this. This book explains what I will do to myself or did to myself and why. Ever since sophomore year i've been a little different at school then at home. I had been bullied the whole year of  grade 10. Now I am in grade 12. People would say I was a goodie-two-shoes and I would get made fun of. So I stopped acting like myself I tried being cool and people started to like me, I still worked hard and studied hard but just changed my personality. It was hard at first but I adapted to being 2 different people. That's when my best friends started to stop talking to me and they soon stopped being my friends. And that hit me hard. But ever since then i've acted like 2 people, I stopped understanding the world and myself. I felt like I was slowly breaking down. All I wanted was to go back to my old life. But I knew I couldn't. If I did what would happen is I would be bullied and blamed for horrible things. And I couldn't go through that again. In this journal there will be 3 entries in total. You may think that I should have told somebody but I just couldn't. I have reasons for everything I do and nothing has changed that.  

Signed, Gideon

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