Chapter 7

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I finally got up and took a walk. Taking in the laughing children, brothers and sisters, families and parents with their children.

 It reminded me of what my family wasn't. Broken, scattered and not much like a family. Merely scattered people without anyone. 

My father and me are broken because of my mom and brother. Mom left right before my brother died and she hadn't said anything to us since. Her son died and she hasn't even contacted me or my father about it. We sent a letter to her right after it happened. And her not responding felt like a knife to the chest. He was her son and she hasn't said anything. 

I used to think my family was perfect with a brother, mom and dad. The perfect family. But it wasn't, my mom left and my dad was still heartbroken and now my brother's gone. 

I was so lost in thought that I bumped into a boy, slim and tall. About 2 inches taller than me. He had short, unkept dark black hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a white shirt under a unbuttoned flannel. My brown eyes met with bright blue eyes and he asked "Are you okay?!? I am so sorry about that!"

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. But I should be sorry, I was so deep in thought that I wasn't paying attention."

"N-no it's fine. Um...i'm Cole."

"I'm Talia."

"I uh have to get home now but if you want you could give me a call and maybe hangout sometime?" He asked "Also I am so sorry, I really didn't mean to-I just get really out of it sometimes"

"Yeah it's fine, I guess i'll see you around" I reply

He gave me his number on a piece of paper and we went our separate ways. I continued on through the park, until I came across Faerah and I's special bench. She was seated on the right side of the bench with sad and puffy eyes.

I haven't seen or speak to her since the day I told her my brother died. Which is weird as she usually calls like almost everyday and we always meet up and hang out. 

I plopped myself right beside her and asked, "What's wrong? I haven't seen you in a while," Her face brightened when she saw me then slowly faded. She looked up toward me. "Hey, I missed you." Her face turned solemn, she looked at me and said, "I have to tell you something"

"You can tell me anything you know" she gave me a sad smile and turned away, smile fading just like the sun turning to night.

"I'm moving"

I didn't know I could feel any worse than I did.

And I did. 

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