Goal (Tom)

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(Soccer as in the round ball ⚽️ <- that thing.)
-Tom's POV-

I drove Paddy to his soccer practice because I had been gone for a while and I wanted to see my little brother play. There were multiple fields with others practicing but Paddy seemed to know what he was doing. I went up to the bleachers and sat watching. I noticed the other teams were with older people. Like collage teams. A girl's and then a separate guy's collage team practicing. They were really good.

After the two hours were up the coaches called everyone to a circle and they made a motivational speech I'm guessing. Then everyone put their fist and yelled "1...2...3... (insert team name)." A girl walked along Paddy talking to him. She must've been my age and ya out of my league. She waved to me and then did a handshake with Paddy. She smiled then walked off. I had made my way down to the field by the time she walked off.

After taking Paddy to practice every they'd always do their handshake. "So, Pads who's that girl?" I asked trying to be cool. "That's y/n. She helped me with some techniques a few months ago and then sometimes I get to go over to her house and play her X box," Paddy said. I nodded trying to be cool.

One day the girls had a break and y/n came up to me. "You must be Paddy's brother. I'm y/n," she shook my hand. "I'm Tom, nice to meet you," I said. She nodded and smiled. "Well, gotta go. The field waits for nom man!" She said running back.

When that practice was over Y/N and Paddy were down scoring goals. They told the coach they'd put everything back so they had the whole field to themselves. I walked towards Paddy. "Can you even kick a soccer ball anymore?" He laughed. "Yes. I can," I said defensively. I looked at Y/N and she was hugging a soccer ball keeping back a laugh. I wanted to hear her laugh though. I wanted to know if it was as beautiful as her.

"If..." I started getting my courage built up. "I make this goal. Will you go in a date with me?" I said to her. She looked kinda shocked and replied with an, "um... okay?" I'll take it. I put one of the balls down and Paddy went as goalie. I kicked it over his head and into the net. It was really close to the side but it was in. Y/N nodded, "impressed."

-Y/N's freaking POV-

I got ready and Tom picked me up around 7 pm. We agreed on a dinner date and it was really nice. It was surprising to me he wanted a date even though he had only seen me in athletic shorts and a t-shirt covered in sweat. I actually had a really nice time.

After dinner we went back to his house and Paddy ignored Tom. I was kinda taken aback but I didn't really know if they had gotten into a fight that I didn't know about. Tom and I watched a movie and then I drove home.

When I got to practice I had to put boys to the side and focus on my career. After practice Paddy had left really quick. We didn't get to do our handshake. Was he ignoring me too? No. It's only one time.

No. Paddy was ignoring both Tom and I. One day when Tom was the only one that could take him to practice I confronted them. "Hold on. Paddy, why are you upset with us?" I said getting to the point. He mumbled something. "What?" "You guys don't care about me anymore! You guys are just using me to go on dates!" He said and tried to storm off but Tom grabbed him. "Paddy?" Tom said. "You stole my friend!" He said. (I know Paddy is 13-14 and he probably wouldn't act like this It's for the story.)

I hugged Paddy. "Pad's you'll always be my friend! You don't have to worry about that, and if you don't want us to date then we won't." He looked at us. "No, you can date. Just don't forget I was here first," he said poking his brother. "Heh okay," Tom said.


Here's an actual imagine! This was probably the shittiest one I've written so far. I'll write more I just need ideas first ;)  Thanks for reading if you got that far! 400 flippin reads tysm!

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