Chapter Three {its time}

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Dinah's point of view:
I sigh as the doctor roles the cart of shots in. We didn't plan on getting them, but Normani and Camila were one behind, while Ally was about three behind.

We would have brought Demi which usually we did, but again, we didn't know about the shots. Camila didn't notice what was going on, but Normani on the other hand, had a death grip on Lauren. Ally was asleep in my arms and I was glad. The doctor says "okay. Who wants to be a big girl and go first"? Normani pops up at the 'big girl' phrase and raises her hand.

Doctor Moore says "wow! Such a big girl"! Normani shyly smiles and Lauren puts her on the table. I say "come her Mila". She runs over to me and sits next to me. I say "good girl". She smiles and says "tis Ally wearin' a diaper"?

I nod and say "but don't say anything and I mean it". Camila nods and says "I be a big 'ister"? I look down at Ally and say "hopefully baby". She smiles and Normani gets the shot on her thigh. She starts to cry and Lauren picks her up.

Ally flutters her eyes open and says "Mani is hurt". I gently shush her and start to rock her back and forth. Normani continues to wail and Lauren pats her back. I pick up Camila and she says "n-no s'ot"! I put her on the table and say "it'll be okay".

She starts to kick her feet and I say "we need another nurse". The doctor nods and a few seconds later a nurse walks in. I hold Ally in my arms and lie Camila down. She starts to kick her feet and I say "baby if you stop i'll give you some ice cream". She stops and looks at me.

Doctor Moore says "this one will be on her right thigh". I nod and Lauren helps me take down her leggings halfway showing the diaper. The nurse quickly puts in the shot and Camila starts to cry louder than Normani. Doctor Moore puts Camilas leggings on and hands her to Lauren who was still trying to calm down Normani.

I put Ally on the table and she opens her eyes. She starts to fuss and I put the pacifier back into her mouth. I say "shhhh. Dj is right here".

She grabs my finger and the nurse says "okay. We actually have 3 to give her in her left thigh". I nod and when the nurse pulls down Ally's leggings exposing her diaper, Lauren gasps but covers it up with a cough.

Ally starts to cry and kicks her feet. I gently shush her and say "here's paci". She takes it and I say to the doctor "would it be better if you guys do them at the same time"? She sighs and says "Dinah you know we wish we could especially for how young she seems, but there gonna have to be done separate".

I nod and Dr. Moore gives me the go sign. I keep Ally's head down and say "hey baby. What do you have planned for today"? She starts to babble about something, but stops when the first shot came, she starts to wail. I try to keep her pacifier in her mouth, but the small girl was not having. She had two more shots and was already wailing super loud. I pull up her pants up once the bandages were on and pick her up.

She continues to wail and I say "I think we should leave Lo". She nods and tries to place Camila down, but she wasn't having it. I sigh and grab the bag. Dr. Moore says "do you guys want some help"? I sigh and say "yes please".

She picks up Camila along with her stuffed kitten and blanket. Lauren had already put the darling jackets on the girls so we were ready to go. I follow Lauren and Dr. Moore out of the room. All the nurses were giving me sympathetic looks and I rub Ally's back.

One nurse comes over and says "do you guys want a sucker"? Normani and Camila nod and they get one. I say to Lauren "can I give Ally one of Camila's bottle"? She nods and I grab a bottle from the bag.

It had toddler formula, but Lauren and I were going to go out later anyway. I take the cap off and as the girls were choosing one, I cradle Ally in my arms. I say "I want you to trust me. Okay"? She nods and I put the bottle into her mouth.

I say "it's just like paci". She starts to suck on it, making the cries go away and causing the doctors office to sigh in relief, but also coo. I smile and we walk out into the parking lot. It was now lightly snowing and all the girls were shivering. Lauren starts the car with the key and opens the automatic doors. She sends Normani to the back to buckle up and Dr. Moore places Camila in her seat.

I place Ally down and she starts to cry. She says "no mama! No shots"! Lauren gasps this time not covering it with a cough. Tears fill my eyes and I stutter say "n-no shots baby...Just um...drink y-your baba". She nods and I wrap her hand around the bottle.

I buckle her in and say "are you girls all warm enough"? They nod and I shut the door. I go to the back of the car and see Dr. Moore and Lauren talking. I wipe my tears away and Lauren hugs me. I smile and Dr. Moore says "do you know how old Ally is yet"?

I sigh and say "well...Normani is four, Camila is two, and Ally is probably one or younger". She nods and says "she really is precious". I smile and nod. It starts to hail all the sudden and we all quickly say our goodbyes.

Lauren and I get in the car and Normani says "mommies the world tis ending"! Camila starts to cry causing Ally to cry and I say "no guys, the world is not ending". They continue to cry as the hail gets louder.

I sigh and say "I am going to climb in the back". She nods and I climb back to where Normani is, so I can see Ally and Camila.

I say "shhh guys. It's okay". Camila says "wan' b'ankie"! I sigh and say "can we let Ally borrow it"? Camila shakes her head and Lauren says "babe there is a blanket in the back for the baby". I nod and reach into the back. I grab the fuzzy blanket. I take the blanket away from Ally and wrap it around Camila.

Ally starts to cry and I put the blanket onto her. Normani grips my shirt and I sigh. She says "mama I's hungry". I look at the time seeing it was about lunch time and I say "okay princessa. Mommy is driving us home and we'll make some soup". She nods and Camila says "but wou p'omised me icecweam"!

I kiss her forehead and say "I know baby, but it's snowing". She whines and I say "what if we have hot cocoa after nap time instead. I'll even put some marshmallows in it". Her and Normani giggle and nod.

We arrive at the house which was surrounded by a gate and I climb to the front of the car. The hail had calmed down a little, but not to much. I grab Normani and say "go wait by the door baby". She nods and runs with her stuff to the door. I grab Ally who was asleep. I cradle her in my arms again and grab the half way dranken bottle.

I wrap her blanket around her and grab the backpack. Camila, Normani, and Lauren were already inside. I shut the door and also grab my purse. Ally squirms and I gently shush her.

I walk into the house and place Ally in the pack n play. I put the blanket over her and gently take off her jacket. I also place a pacifier  in her mouth.

I take off my jacket and walk into the kitchen. I see Lauren on the phone and say "who you talking to"? She sighs and says "my mom. I'm asking her for the family soup recipe". I nod and here Clara yell "you are not about to feed them soup out of a can"!

I chuckle and she then yells "i'm coming over"! My eyes go wide and Lauren says "no mom! Right now is not a good time...just send me a picture". Lauren hangs up and says "in making soup out of a can".

I laugh and say "where are the girls"? Lauren pulls out two cans and says "um...I think in the playroom". I nod and say "what do you need help with"?

She says " you want to set the table"? I nod and grab two baby bowls with grippy spoons and three adult bowls. I place them on the table and Lauren says "do you want to get the girls? Lunch will be done in about 7 minutes".

I nod and wrap my arms around her waist. I say "we need to go on a date soon". She kisses my cheek and says "yes please! We just need to get Ally settled first". I nod and say "okay. I'm going to get the girls". She nods and I walk downstairs into the basement to see Camila and Normani coloring. I smile and say "it's lunch time girls".

They nod and I say "and be quiet because Ally is sleeping". They nod and tip toe up the stairs. Camila runs into the kitchen, but Normani walks over to the pack n play. I whisper "Normani"!

She ignores me and stands on her tippy toes. She looks over it and whispers "mama? I'm glad she's finally accepting herself. She needed this". Tears come into my eyes and Normani scampers into the kitchen. I smile and Ally whispers "I accept myself Dj".

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