Chapter Thirty One {Part Four}

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Lauren and Dinah pull up to the bar and both tense up. They had already smelt marijuana pouring out of the bar, Camila was with Skylar for the night.

They had taken two nights with Camila to show that they loved her and appreciated her, tonight was the night though. The two women knew that this was going to be bad, but they didn't know anything about the situation.

They didn't know how much Ally was drinking nor smoking and the sad part of it all, was that they knew she was going to be malnourished.

Lauren says "let's do this"? Dinah nods and Lauren says "babe it's okay. Just take a deep breath". Dinah sighs and says "but I don't want to see my little girl like this again". Lauren sighs and says "I know mi amor, but we need to go get her. It's been to long".

Dinah nods and Lauren kisses her lips. They both get out of the car, Lauren fixes her leather Jacket and red lipstick. They show the man their license and walk into it. Of course they had been at a bar but not one like this.

They see Alyssa, Ally's bestfriend and quickly walk over to her. Alyssa's eyes go wide and she says "Lauren! Dinah! Omg hi"! They all hug and Alyssa says "what're you guys doing here"?

Lauren sighs and says "We're here for Ally". "She's not well" Alyssa says sadly. Dinah rolls her eyes and says "Simon told us. Where is she"?

Alyssa points to a staircase and Lauren says "why do you still work here? I know you were trying to get Ally to leave...and don't you have a little girl your self"? Alyssa nods and says "yah, i'm trying to quit here for her, but no where else is hiring. And Ally wouldn't listen. She's only going to listen to Dinah or you, Simon was lucky she listened to him".

Dinah sighs and says "i'm going upstairs". "they're not going to let you in that room unless"-"I don't give a fuck. That is my little girl in there and I will kick down that door if I have to" Dinah says.

Alyssa nods guiltily and says "follow me". The stairs was blocked off by a big black guy who was smaller than there security guard Big Rob but none the less still frightening.

"They're with me Frank" Alyssa says. The guy nods and steps to the side to let the three girls walk up the stairs. Alyssa knocks on an old beaten down door and A curly headed boy opens the door. He says "Come on in—Wait. Who are you guys".

"They're friends of mine" Alyssa says. "Do they have weed" a boy yells from the room. Lauren shakes her head and the boy says "then no. You can't come in. Goodbye". He goes to close the door but Lauren puts her foot in the way.

The boy rolls his eyes and says "you think your so fucking smooth". He shoves her out of the way and Lauren was about to freak out but Dinah does instead. She grabs him by the shirt and slams him against the wall and says "listen here you curly headed fuck. You better let me in that fucking room or so help me god I will get you all arrested and burn this fucking bar down. Got it"?

He nods frightened and says "T-Take as much time as you need". Dinah lets go of him and he opens the door. She storms in the room and sees Ally on the couch with a dab pen.

Lauren follows Dinah and Ally looks up. Her eyes widen and Dinah says "come with me Ally. I want to talk to you, but not around these fucks".

She looks down at her feet and Lauren walks over. She kneels down and says in a whisper so that they wouldn't here her over the music "baby doll we just want to talk to you. Please just follow mama".

Ally nods and resists the urge to make grabby hands. She follows Dinah and Lauren, along with Alyssa. It reeked of marijuana in the room they were in and Dinah and Lauren were thankful to be out. Alyssa says "go in that room. It's the cleanest".

Dinah nods and they all three walk into the room. It looked like just a normal empty room. Dinah flicks the light on and says "alright, come here littleone". Dinah sits on the floor and Ally sits on her lap. "What's been going on baby girl" Lauren says.

Ally fiddles with her hands and says "i've just been...smoking again. And drinking". Dinah nods and says "little one you know that is super bad for you"- "I didn't know what else to do"!

Dinah pats her back and says "hey, calm down". Ally nods and Dinah says "Alyssa said that you could come back to us, and I know you are a very smart girl and know that slipping into your headspace is healthier. Don't you agree"?

She nods and lets a tear fall out of her eye. "When was the last time you ate mamas" Lauren asks. "I don't remember" Ally says quietly. Dinah looks at Lauren and she fights back tears. "Well how about we get you out of this environment" Dinah says.

She didn't think she'd be taking control but ever since that boy touched her girlfriend...she was now showing this place who was boss. "I like it here" Ally says confidently.

Both women knew that wasn't true but she was trying to act like a badass, when in reality they knew she wasn't. "Oh but I know you like home better. Your pacifier, babas, your blankie and crib" Dinah says.

Alyssa was listening outside and knew exactly what Dinah was doing. She didn't blame the girl, Ally wouldn't go unless she thought about how much she loved her home.

"B-But Cams doesn't want me there" Ally says. "Yes she does baby. She adores you, you're her little sister, even though your a stinker" Lauren says and tickles under her chin. Ally giggles a little and Dinah coos.

They knew this was the best it was going to get because little Ally missed her mommy's a lot, but sadly they knew she wasn't going to react well later on.

Dinah says "let's go home littleone". Ally nods and Alyssa opens the door. They stand up and Dinah grabs Ally's hand.

They all walk to the car and Dinah places Ally on the seat. She smelt like marijuana and her eyes were bloodshot. "Please tell me how it goes with the little one" Alyssa says and Lauren nods. "Will do" she says.

Lauren starts to drive home while Dinah checks on Ally every now and then. The poor baby was sniffling and looking out the window with tears streaming down her face. It was already dark outside and she had scenarios (Good and bad) dancing in and out of her head.

After 45 minutes or so they pull up to the house and Dinah says "do you want me to carry you love"?

Ally nods after a second and Dinah lifts her little girl into her arms. Lauren unlocks the door, and walks in, turning on the lights while she walks in.

"How about some yummy food" Dinah says. Ally shakes her head and Lauren says "then how about a bath"? Ally blushes and says "I dunno". Dinah strokes her hair and says "let's go give you one to get this yucky smell off of you. Okay"?

Ally rolls her eyes and nods. Lauren tenses up and they walk up the stairs. If they weren't in this situation, she would've placed the girl in time out for all of this.

Dinah and Lauren walk into their master bedroom bathroom and Lauren starts the water and pours bubble bath soap into it.

Dinah places Ally on the floor and says "okay littleone, let's get you in the bath". Ally says "n-no I don't want to". Dinah says "shhh, it'll be relaxing, and we need to get this smell off of you babygirl".

Ally starts to cry harder and Dinah says "shh shh shhh". She takes off Ally's dress and sweater and Ally says "Dj I don't wanna". Lauren says "babygirl look there's your duckies and bath paint! And look at all the bubbles"!

Ally gets engrossed in the bubbles and Dinah takes that as an opportunity to pick her up and place her in the warm water. She whimpers and pulls her legs to her chest.

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