Chapter Twenty Six {Ally's surgery}

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Dinah's point of view;
     I roll over in bed and turn off my phone alarm. It was only 4:00 in the morning but we had to get going to Ally's surgery for her hand. Lauren rolls over and yawns. I stroke her hair and say "lemme go get Ally. You can stay in bed for a little bit".

She nods and I go to Ally's soon to be nursery. There was all of her little clothes in a white dresser and a changing table on top.

I dim the lights and see Ally lift her head up with her pacifier bobbing up and down in her mouth. I chuckle and walk over. I say "come on little one. We have to wake up early".

I pick her up along with her blanket and grab a new diaper along with a light flow purple dress.

I walk to Lauren's and I's room and Ally says "mommy"! I smile and sit her on her bottom. I get in bed and lay down tiredly.

Lauren says "lets leave sooner than later. Demi's already on her way here and we have to be there till 5:00 am. I nod and say "come on little one, let's change you".

Lauren gets up to get in the shower real quick and I lay ally on her changing pad. I start to change her diaper and say "okay monkey. You don't need to be scared because mommy and I will be right there until you go to sleep and when you wake up your ouchies will be gone"!

She giggles and says "mi'ky"? I sympathetically smile and say "not right now baby. The doctors said we can't". She fussily kicks her feet and I gently shush her.

I say "sh sh sh nena". I place her pacifier in her mouth but she spits it out. I sigh and pick her up. She starts to cry again and I say "oh no no no little one, no tears. How about a shower with mommy"?

She nods slightly and puts her fingers in her mouth. I go to the bathroom and say "hey laur"? She peeks her head out and I say "can you take a shower with the baby? You don't have too wash her or anything but she's a little sensitive right now".

She nods and I give Ally too Lauren.

I walk back too the nursery and grab a new diaper, Ally's paci and clip, and the purple dress.

After putting everything on our bed, I hear Camila scream. I run into her room alarmed and see her wailing. I pick her up and say "sh sh sh kitten. What's going on"?

She grabs my sweatshirt and says "m-mama"! I rub her back and say "oh my little one, just take a deep breath". I look at the time seeing we needed to leave in about 30 minutes.

Camila continues to wail while I whisper sweet nothings in her ear. My poor baby...

I go downstairs and grab a pre-made bottle. Demi arrives and says "oh no! What's wrong with the poor thing"? Camila whimpers and hides her head in my neck.

She was pretty young right now. I sigh and say "I don't know, she just woke up crying". Normani comes down the stairs in just a pull up and shirt with her blanket and says groggily "mama"?

I sigh and Demi says "i'll go put her back to sleep". I nod and walk upstairs with Demi following me holding Normani.

Camila starts to cry again and I gently shush her. I sit in the rocking chair and say "open up little one".

I place the nipple of the bottle into her mouth and the sounds of her suckles fill the air. I rub her cheek with the pad of my finger and she whimpers.

Lauren walks in and says "what happened"? She kneels down in front of Camila and I say "I honestly don't know..."

She says "do you want me to take her"? I nod and kiss Camilas forehead and say "mama will see you soon kitten. I love you".

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