Chapter Ten {everythings spiraling}

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It's an interesting chapter...😂❤️

Dinah's point of view:
          Ally was wailing, Camila was scared, Normani was in timeout, My mom was packing her stuff, and Lauren had left.

Camila says "mama? I thought we gonna has fun...Dis isn' 'un". I sigh and say "I know baby. Do you want to feed your sister while you watch the non animation Beauty and the Beast"?

She nods and I grab some cut up apples from the fridge and grab Ally's bottle. I walk down the hallway and into my room. I place Camila on the bed and say "here's some apples and here's your sisters baba". I put on beauty and the beast and lay Ally down. I say "I got to go talk to Mani".

She nods sadly and I say softly "hey baby. Look at me". She looks up with glossy eyes and I say "what's wrong"? She says "Christmas is suppose to be fun...No ones getting along". I sigh and say "how about later, we can go get some cocoa".

Her face lightens up and says "otay mama". I nod and walk out of the room. I go over to Normani and say "come here". She walks over with her face down and I say "look up Normani". She looks up at me and I say "why did you say a naughty word"?

She looks up and says "cause she 'urt you". I say "that's not why. Why did you say a naughty word"? Normani is about to answer, but my mom walks in. Normani hides behind me and my mom says "i'll see you later". I say "mom wait". She turns around and I say "love you".

She ignores me and walks away. I sigh and Mani starts to cry. I turn around and say "okay baby. I would spank you, but it's vacation. And if you ever say a naughty word again, you will be spanked. Do you understand me"?

She says "yes mama". I smile and pick her up. Lauren's mom had decided to spend the night at her brothers which I didn't care.

I carry Normani into Lauren and I's room. Camila says "Ally bein' a pain in my butt"! Normani giggles and I smile and shake my head. I place Normani on the bed and pick up Ally.

I say "what do you mean baby"? She says in a high pitch sassy voice "she like I no want a baba an' I like well you need to eat"! I keep in my laughter and Ally giggles. Camila says "Imma ge' you". Ally wiggles out of my arms and runs out of the room.

Camila gets off the bed and runs after her. I chuckle and Normani yawns and says "where's mommy"? I run my hand through her hair and say "she needed a second baby". Normani nods and lays her head on my chest.

I smile and Camila runs in after Ally. She tackles her and I say "hey! Be careful". Ally giggles and I say "should we go get some hot cocoa"? Camila and Normani squeal and Ally whimpers. I say "okay Camila and Normani. Can you guys try to be quiet around your baby sister? She has an ear infection".

They nod and I pick up Ally. I say "go get your coats and shoes on. If you need help come get me". They nod and run off. I smile and say "let's get your pants on".

She shakes her head and I say "yes baby". She whines and I say "how about you stay here with Lolo then"? She says "wanna go wit' Camsi". I sigh and Lauren walks in the room with tears stains on her cheeks.

I say "babe"- "I'm okay". I nod knowing not to talk to her about it. Ally says "Lolo gotta be happy". She makes Lauren's lips into a smile and we both laugh.

I say "do you want to come with us to get Starbucks or"? She says "um...sure". I smile and put on Ally's pants. She starts to kick her feet and I say gently "shhh". Lauren picks Ally up and I say "what should we do for dinner"?

Lauren says "how about grilled cheese and tomato soup"? I say "yah that works". Normani and Camila run in the room with there jackets and shoes on.

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