Chapter Thirty Three {Bratty Ally}

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This kind of a small chapter but i'm going to work on the next one right so I can post it tonight! I've missed you guys and if you haven't seen it, I have a new book posted! So please go check that out and give it some love. It is a Harry Styles fanfic so I hope you guys are Directioners as much as you are Harmonizers ;) Enjoy!!


"Mama"! Dinah here's a sob come from Ally's room and quickly gets out of bed and runs to her room. She sees Ally distressed and holding her hand to her chest. Dinah is quick to pick Ally up and says "hey hey hey little one, shhhh. What's wrong".

"M-mama, hand" Ally wails and lets out another cry. Lauren walks in the room and Ally starts to cry harder. "Okay okay, shhhh. You're going to make yourself sick baby".

Lauren says "come here my little one". Ally reaches out for Lauren and Lauren takes her into her arms.

Dinah says "i'm going to get some medicine. I'll be back". Lauren nods and starts to sing to Ally.

Dinah turns on the hallway light and walks down the stairs to the kitchen. She grabs a bottle and starts to put water from their keurig into it. While it's filling up she grabs the medicine from Ally's doctor. She puts it into the cup that comes with it and grabs the bottle.

She grabs the formula from the counter and puts 3 scoops into it. Lauren walks down the stairs with Ally still crying. Lauren places Ally into her high chair and she starts to cry harder. Lauren gently leans the high chair back with the adjustable setting.

Dinah says "okay okay, here we are baby. Open up". Ally opens her mouth and Dinah pours the medicine into her mouth.

Ally shakes her head and Lauren says "little one you need to swallow it, it will help you". Ally spits a little out and Dinah says "Allison. Don't spit your medicine out it will make you feel better".

Ally spits the rest out and Dinah takes a deep breath. They were all tired and Ally misbehaving wasn't what they needed. Especially at 2:49 in the morning.

She simply lifts her from the high chair and takes her to the living room to place her in timeout. Ally starts to kick her and Lauren says "little girl I am not afraid to lean you over my lap".

Ally continues to cry and Dinah places her in the corner. Dinah sighs and walks over to Lauren. She says "we can't force her to take the medicine".

Lauren runs her hand through her hair and says "I know but she needs to Dinah". Ally starts to scream and cry and Dinah makes a head movement to go over there. Lauren walks over and says "Little girl you are testing the limits right now. You need to take your medicine, and then it's time to go in your crib like a good girl. Do you understand mommy"?

Ally sits up and blows her tongue at her. Lauren wipes the spit from her face and grabs Ally's wrist. She walks over to the couch and sits down. She says "because of that little stunt you're getting a spanking. Do you understand".

Ally makes an angry face and says "no". Lauren spanks her thigh and says sternly "Do you, understand".

Ally just looks away and Lauren looks over at her girlfriend. Dinah steps in and sits down. She says sternly "here's what's going to happen. You are getting 15 spankings from Mommy and then you are going to go to the kitchen with me and you are writing 50 lines that say I will not be a brat, because you are being disrespectful and that type of behavior is not acceptable. Do you understand me"?

Ally whimpers and nods. Lauren pulls her over her lap and says "you are getting 15 spankings over your bare bottom today because you are being very disrespectful. Allison you are supposed to be a good girl, and the way you are behaving is unacceptable. I want to hear you say yes mama".

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