Chapter Seventeen {grumpy babies}

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Dinah's point of view:
      I run in the house as panic starts to fill my body. Simon says "Dinah! I swear to god if you do not"- "stop! Help me find Ally! She's in her trance"!

He says "o-okay. I'll check this half you check that half". I run up the stairs and say "Ally! Baby come here"! I hear a loud cry and I run into the bathroom to see Ally in tears. I pick her up and hold her like a baby to my chest.

She starts to wail and I gently shush her. She says "y-you left me mama"! I say "I am so so sorry baby girl, but baby I put you in the car". She says "a-and mommy hates me so I ran"!

I cup her cheeks and say "she doesn't hate you. You know she has mood swings". Ally starts to cry again and I sigh.

Simon runs in the room and says "we have to go". I nod and keep Ally on my hip. I turn off the lights and grab the bottle from the fridge. Simon looks at me and I mumble "just ignore it". I get in the car and lock the gates and turn on alarms.

I put Ally down and she continues to cry. I sigh and shut the door. I buckle in Ally and she lays her head on my lap. I put a bottle in her mouth and Camila says "Dj"? I look up and she says "h-how come Ally gets a baba and we don't"?

I say "well ba- Mila you know how I told you and Mani about how you went through the trance"? Camila nods while chewing on her blanket and I say "well once she has a headspace she'll have the same rules". Mila nods and Ally looks up at me while whimpering.

I stroke her hair and whisper comforting things. Mani gives me a bandage and says "she's bleeding". I look on her head and sigh. I kiss it and place the bandaid on it.

I say "thank you". She nods and I let her suck on the bottle for a little longer until I take it out. She looks up at me with innocent wide eyes and I smile. I stroke her hair and I look up to see Lauren looking at me.

I look away sadly and Normani says teary eyed "I want my sippy"! I sigh and Lauren says "Mani, you can have one when we're in the plane". She starts to cry and kick her legs.

I sigh and say "Normani calm down". She starts to cry harder and Lauren unbuckles and gets in the back. She places Normani on her lap and Mila starts to cry.

She says "wan' you"! Simon groans and I say "oh shut up Simon". I unbuckle Camila and pull her onto my lap. We pull up to the airport and Camila whimpers. I rub my thumb against her cheek and she smiles.

Simon says "okay. You guys will have one security guard with each of you". Everyone nods and I place Camila down. Lauren does the same for Normani and her lip starts to quiver.

I say "shh, let's just go baby". She nods and everyone gets out of the car. We grab our bags and the security start to lead us in the airport. Lauren runs over to me and says "can we talk"?

I sigh and say "when we're in private". She says louder "just stop and talk to me"! Tears fill my eyes and I push pass everyone and walk into the airport. I see Simon standing and I drop my bags. I mumble "i'll be back".

I walk into the bathroom and start to cry. Lauren knows I hate being yelled at, so I don't know why she did what she did.

She walks in the bathroom and I roll my eyes. I say "just leave Lo". She says "no. What in the hell is wrong with you"? I sigh and say "What in the hell is wrong with me?! What's wrong with you Lauren! You made Ally think you hate her a-and I am so tired of people shipping fucking Camren! Your my girlfriend! Mila is my baby...Our baby".

Lauren take my hands and says "I couldn't agree less. Let's show the fans that we're who we are and we're not changing". I slightly smile through the tears and she chuckles. She wipes my tears and says "i'm sorry, I was in a mad mood and no that doesn't give me an excuse. Dinah I just"- "it's okay. I forgive you, let's get through security and then we can get the babies to sleep so we can have alone time".

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