Chapter Twenty One {Grumpy Lauren}

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Dinah's point of view:
      As morning time comes around I look over to see Normani sleeping between Lauren and I, Camila straddling Lauren, and Ally asleep in the pack n play.

I smile and go to the bathroom. I see Normani shaking and I pick her up. I say "what's wrong Mija"? She says "bad dweam". I rub her back and grab a bottle. I pour some milk in it and sit on the couch. I lay her across my lap, and place the bottle into her mouth.

She shakes her head and says "no s'eep"! I gently shush her and say "it's gonna calm you down princess". She hesitantly opens her mouth and I place it in between her soft lips.

She starts to suck on it and I pat her butt. She grips my finger and a tear falls down her cheek and she whimpers.

I wipe it away and continue comforting her. After she finishes her bottle, I say "let's get you dressed baby". She nods and I place her on the ground. A tiny whimper comes out of her mouth and I sigh.

I pick her up and quickly change her into a pull up, some leggings, and a shirt. She says quietly "mama Elsa" and points to her shirt. I smile and say "ya baby". I pat her bottom and Lauren comes around the corner.

Normani runs over to her and Lauren picks her up. I kiss Lauren's lips and she smiles. We all sit on the couch and Lauren says "what should we do about Mila"? I sigh and Normani says "Camila loves Skyler"...

I look over and she says "you guys can't punish her for liking someone". Lauren says "that's not why we're punishing her Mani". Normani sighs and grabs her phone. She starts to do something and I say "hunny, can Lo and I talk"?

She nods and goes to Demi's room.  Lauren sighs and I say "should we really punish her? She didn't want us to know and just cause we're her caregivers doesn't mean she has to tell us everything".

Lauren says "but she lied. And that's not okay". I nod and say "but you spanked her way to hard yesterday. And you didn't even ask".

Lauren says "I don't have to ask. You're just trying to start shit". I roll my eyes and walk off. She says "whatever Dinah. Whatever".

She walks out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Camila jumps up and I say "it's okay baby".

I pick her up and she grips my shirt. I stroke her hair and she wiggles out of my arms. She says "i'm not in my headspace Dj". I laugh and she playfully rolls her eyes.

She goes into the bathroom, i'm guessing to change and I walk over to wake Ally up. I say "come on little one. We have to get you ready". She whines and I say "I know. I'm so mean".

Camila comes out of the bathroom and says "have fun trying to wake her up". I flip her off and she laughs. Ally says "mama stooop".

I sigh and say "baby doll we have to get ready". I pick her up and she starts to cry. Camila says "i'll get her an outfit".

I nod and say "thanks lovie". I place Ally on the ground and she starts to cry. I sigh and say "Allison look at me". She looks up and I say sternly "go get dressed right now".

Camila gives her some dance appropriate clothes and I sigh. I run through my hand through my hair and Camila says "what's wrong with Lauren"? I say "we got in a fight. It's okay though".

Camila looks down and says "it was about me I bet". I grab her hand and says "we just have two different discipline methods Mila".

"I just wanted to see her! She's my girlfriend a-and"- "and that's okay. Skyler is who you chose. And if you chose her then I support you. Just no more lying".

Camila nods and I kiss her forehead. Ally walks out of the bathroom and says "we get to see the choreographer! And then we have an interview"!

I smile and say "you're even cute out of your headspace". She blushes and runs to get her bag. I smile and we all walk out of the hotel room. Normani comes over and says in a low tone "Lauren's pissed the fuck off. Don't say anything".

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