Chapter Nine {bonding}

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Lauren's point of view:
As we arrive at the cabin, the girls were giggling and super hyper. I chuckle and Camila yells "we at the Cabin"! I slam on the breaks and say sternly "Karla Camila Cabello Estrabo! Don't you ever do that again. Do you understand me"?

She says "y-yes mama". I drive up the mountain and into the garage of our Cabin. Camila says "I-I sorry". I say "it's okay princessa". She sniffles and Dinah and I get out of the car. I go to the passengers side this time to grab Ally and Dinah gets Camila and Normani.

I open the door to see Ally a light green. I say "poor baby". I definitely was harsh to people, but when it came to my baby girls and Dinah...I had a soft spot. I put on Ally's pants and shoes and pick her up. She says "b'ankie Lolo"? I nod and get her two blankets. Normani and Camila run over and say "mommy! Mama has a snowball"!

I sigh and mumble "looks like my fourth child has come out". Dinah runs around the corner and tries to hit Mila and Mani but ends up smacking me dead on in the face.

I gasp and Ally giggles a little. I say "you think that's funny"? She giggles harder and I say "Dinah Jane Hansen you owe me tonight". Dinah laughs and Camila and Normani start to jump in the snow.

I say "girls you don't have your snowsuits on". They ignore me and I roll my eyes. I walk in the Cabin and smell the pine. I sigh in relief and place Ally down. She whimpers and I say "I gotta help mama". She says "Lolo"! I say "okay okay. No yelling".

I pick her up and she cuddles into me. I smile and Dinah walks in with the bigger things. She says "is this what you mean"? I smirk and shake my head. She winks and I laugh. I say "do you want me to get the rest"? She says "no it's okay".

I nod and walk outside. I say "girls! Let's have a snack". They nod and are about to start running, but I say "and don't you dare run on the ice because you might slip"! They giggle and I smile. I walk in the house and Ally says "Lolo baba"?

I kiss her forehead and say "sure baby. You've only had that and some puffs". I grab a bottle from the diaper bag and say "okay baby. Let's feed you".

She nods and I start to heat it up. Normani and Camila run into the kitchen and say "mommy"? I turn around and Camila says "can we watch a disney movie"?

I say "um...sure". They jump in there air excitingly and I chuckle. I grab two tiny bags of fruit snacks and say "this can hold you over. Right"? They nod and I grab the bottle from the microwave.

I shake it a little and I walk into the living room. I say "okay girls. Choose a movie. Okay"? They nod and Dinah walks into the house. She says "the fu-fricking door won't close".

I chuckle and say "i'll figure it out". She nods and I hand Ally to her. I walk outside and go to passengers side of the car. I see the Ally's favorite pacifier broken probably from Dinah trying to close the door.

I groan and grab it. I close the door and walk inside. I say "Dinah! Ally's favorite p-a-c-i was in the way and now it's broken".

She sighs and says "sorry". I go over and sit down. I say "it's okay". Normani and Camila start to fight and Dinah says "girls! What's going on"? They both start whining at the same time and I cut them off with my finger. Normani says "I wanna watch little mermaid, but Mila wanna watch Lilo and Stitch"!

Dinah says "okay inside voices. How about we watch the little mermaid right now and later we will watch Lilo and Stitch". They both nod and Ally says "baba"! I realize I was holding it and I give it to Dinah to give to her.

Ally whines and says "Lolo". Dinah looks at me with a smile and places Ally on my lap. I cradle her and put the bottle in her mouth. She starts to suck on it and looks at me in the eyes. I smile and we start to watch the little mermaid, not by choice.

~two hours later

Someone knocks on the door and I furrow my eyebrows. Dinah and the big girls went to get some hot cocoa for later and my mom wasn't coming till 6:00.

I place Ally in the swing and look out the window to see Milika, Dinah's mom. I sigh and answer the door. I say "hey Milika"! I invite her in and she says "Hey Lauren". We stand there awkwardly and I say "so"...

She says "look i'm sorry for what I said last time. Please forgive me"? I sigh and run my hand through my hair. I say "what you said really hurt Dinah and I. She was crying for days".

Milika sighs and says "I know...I'm sorry, I just want to be here for the girls, and you and Dinah". I sigh and say "I know, let me just talk to her". She nods and I hear cries from the living room.

I sigh and say "excuse me for a second". I walk in and Ally says "Lolo 'ot". I sigh and take off her pants. She sighs in relief and I grab the empty bottle.

I pick her up and say "let's get you some medicine". She starts to breath heavily and I say "hey it's okay". I walk into the kitchen to see Milika smiling.

I sigh and she says "how's this little one"? I say "sick". She nods and I hear Dinah here. Ally starts to wiggle and I place her on the floor. She runs out the door and I sigh. I say "just try to make it up to Dinah".

I chase after her and see Dinah holding Ally. Dinah says "girls go inside". They nod and run in the house. Camila screams "Nani"! Dinah says "Lauren. Why is my mom here"?

I sigh and say "she came to visit. I didn't want to say no". Dinah sighs and says "let's just go start dinner". I nod and say "remember. You owe me". She chuckles and we walk into the house to see Normani hiding behind the empty Christmas tree.

I say "Mani what's wrong"? Dinah says "she's never met my mom". I sigh and say "what do you mean"? She says "when my mom came for Christmas last year, Normani wasn't with us". I nod and say "come here baby". Normani runs over and hides behind my legs.

I smile and say "do you want to see Dinah's mommy"? She shakes her head and says "c-can I talk to you and Dinah...alone"? I look at Dinah with an alarmed look and Dinah says "Yeah...let me Ally her medicine".

Dinah's point of view:
         Normani nods sadly and I take Ally to the kitchen. I grab the medicine and she says "no mama"! I sigh and grab some cold water in a bottle. I also grab some yogurt and walk to the dining room. I place Ally on one of the chairs and she says "no"!

I say "yes". She starts to kick her feet and I say "Allison Brooke Hernandez! If you do not take this medicine then you could loose hearing in your ear. Now please take the medicine for mama"?

She looks up with a trembly lip and nods her head. Once she swallows it, she starts to wail. She says "I sorry mama"! I pick her up and say "I know. Now drink your baba". She starts to drink it and I put her in the pack n play.

I walk outside where I see Normani and Lauren. I say "hey baby. What's up"? She fiddles with her fingers and says "I want Milika to leave". I look at Lauren with a confused look and say "why baby"?

She sniffles and mumbles something that both Lauren and I didn't hear. Lauren says softly "what baby"? She says "I heard what she said...about you guys".

I well up with tears and look at Lauren. She says "Mani...How"? Normani starts to cry and says "I c-came home early"!

Lauren picks her up and I start to silently cry. I quickly wipe them and Normani says "I just didn't know what to do so I went home"!

I stroke her hair and say "okay, it's okay bubbas". She says "nd Milika never cared for me anyway"! I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

Lauren rocks Normani back and forth and says "okay pretty princess, how about we talk to her"? Normani shakes her head and runs in the house while yelling "why can't you just leave asshole"?!

My eyes go wide and that's when hell broke loose in the cabin.
Little bit of a cliff hanger huh?

Thanks for reading and we're like 200 reads away from 1000! I'm so happy!

               ~lots of Love, Lynn127🦋

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