Chapter 22 {Hospital visit}

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Dinah's point of view:
       I put Ally on the couch and say "Mani watch her". I run out of the room and follow Demi. I see Lauren lying on the floor with tears flowing out of her eyes and Simon next to her.

I crouch down and say "what happened babes". She starts to cry and I say "shhh". I start to stroke her hair, and Simon says "I think she broke her ankle".

"Okay; Love it's okay. I'm here". I say "let's get her to the hospital". Demi helps me get her up and I lift her bridal style. She lays her head on my chest and I say "Demi, can you go with the girls. I'm going to stay with Lo".

She nods and I put her into the passengers seat. I wipe her tears and say "it's okay love". She says "i-i'm sorry for being mean"! I kiss her and say "I know. It's okay though".

I get in the car and Simon rubs his temples. "come back to the hotel when you're done. Im going to figure out what to do".

I nod and start to drive to the hospital. Lauren never really cried so when she did I knew she was in pain. I didn't want to be mad at her now but some part of me still was.

We finally arrive and Lauren's about to get out but I say "No Lauren". I get out and run around. I open the door and lift her up again.

She hides her head in my chest behind her hair. I kiss her head and we walk in. A nurse walks over and I say "she hurt her ankle". The nurse says "okay. Follow me". We follow her to a room covered by a curtain and I place Lo on the bed.

The nurse says "okay, has she had any alcohol in the past 24 hours"? I shake my head and Lauren says no to confirm it. She says "okay i'm going to give you some ice and Tylenol to control the swelling and pain, while we set up the x ray room". Lauren nods and I say "thank you".

The nurse leaves closing the curtain behind her, and I say "let me look at your foot baby". I gently take of her shoe and she starts to cry again. I gently shush her and take off her sock. Her foot is bruised, red and very swollen.

I grip her hand and she sighs. "I let the group down...I let the fans down". I cup her cheeks and say "no you didn't". She nods and I say "Lauren no. You. Didn't".

She lays her head on my arm and the nurse walks in. She says "hunny, lets just get your x-ray done first". Lauren nods and I help Lo into the wheel chair.

The nurse says "you can't come, but we'll be done soon". I nod and text demi: We're at the hospital, Lauren's getting her ankle checked. It's really bad, how are the little ones.

I sigh and a few minutes later Lauren gets wheeled back in. The nurse says "so we looked at the x rays, and it was a clean break. We don't have to cast her, but she will need crutches and a boot".

I sigh and she says "what about performing"? The nurse says "Lauren. Absolutely not. It'll make it worse". She nods sadly and says "let's wrap it hun".

I lift her onto the bed and the doctor comes in. He starts to wrap in really well and then puts a boot over the wrap. Lauren says "I let Simon down"...

I say "so what Lauren. Your medical comes first". She wipes her tears away and the doctor says "we will have your crutches- "I don't need crutches".

I sigh and think here comes stubborn Lauren. The doctor looks at me and says "Now Lauren you need them". She says "No". I sigh and she says "I'm fine"!

The doctor sighs and says "Okay". She says "Can I go now"? The doctor nods and I help her down. She grabs my hand and I help her to the car. I get in and say "Lauren. What's going on".

She says "I just want to see the babies". I nod and grip her hand while I drive. It was hard to drive one handed, but Lauren wouldn't let go and I didn't want to hurt her.

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