Sequel Teaser

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Hey guys. So the sequel is in the works now and it should be out in probably no more than TWO MONTHS!!!!!!

And some of you are going to say "Oh, I can't wait that long!"

Here's what I have to say to that. Be glad I'm not pulling a Sherlock on you and making you wait TWO FREAKIN YEARS!!

But, as a special treat, I am going to give you guys two pieces of information regarding said sequel.

1) The title will probably be 'Unspoken Words' or 'Words Unspoken', not sure yet.

(If ANYONE would be so kind to make a cover for that I would be forever grateful. Please PM if you would like to do that)

2) The plot will loosely follow that of Thor: The Dark World.

Yes, Thor: The Dark World.

Where Loki had a...little mishap.

Make of that what you will.

Que dramatic music!

See you guys in two months!


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